It's Thurday! IT'S THURSDAY! And you know what the time is? The time is for the Club Penguin Times Issue #381!

This issue contains:
Upcoming Events

The Featured Story written by Cadence, gives us some more news of the upcoming Hollywood Party 2013!
The Support Story is a poem written by a Penguin! It talks about building a spaceship using puffle beds!
And of course! At the last, but not the least: the Upcoming Events!
What do you think about this week's newspaper issue? Let us know in the comments below!
Hollywood Party is just one week away, and as always, Club Penguin has released a new Pin for the Party! It is called "Shooting Star Pin"! And if you want it, you just have to follow these steps:
Step 1: Log into your Club Penguin account.
Step 2: Open up your 'Map' and click 'The Mine'
Step 3: Waddle Inside the Mine and then the Cave 
Step 4: The Pin should look like the one in the image on your right!
Step 5: All you have to do is click on it. Then a message should appear, click 'Yes' and it will be added to your inventory! 
Congratulations, you have the Shooting Star Pin!

What do you think about this New Pin? Let us know in the comments below

We need a video sneak peek, am I right? Every party has one! With the Hollywood Party starting next week, Club Penguin is showing us a video Sneak Peek on TV, and on their Youtube Channel too! Here's the video:
Grab your friends and hit the red carpet at Club Penguin's Hollywood Party! Starting on the "Penguin High 3" set, everyone can begin their quests to become directors - and members can be superstars!

The "High Speed Getaway" stage opens Feb. 16 and member action-heroes will perform crazy stunts! Then, Feb. 17, on the set of "Return of the Space Squid," members can be alien Sci-Fi stars! For both directors and member superstars, the Awards Show begins Feb. 21 and members will have the chance to earn awards!

See you on set at the Hollywood Party at
Awesome, just awesome! After watching this video, I am feeling more impatient! Can't wait for the Party to start. Hey, wait a minute! Did anyone else notice the Rainbow Puffle in the video at 0:16?:
What do you think this means? Will the Rainbow arriving on the island being confirmed? What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!
Club Penguin is going to update tonight! This will be their sixth update week in the year 2013. There will be some major and minor updates. Here they are:

Confirmed Updates:
Newspaper Issue #381
#2 February 2013 Furniture Catalog!
#3 New Pin

Non-Confirmed Updates:
New EPF Message!
#2 February 2013 Igloo Catalog!

Before Club Penguin updates, I recommend you to do these things because they will not be on the island after the update:

1. Get all the items in clearance in the January 2013 Furniture Catalog!
2. Get the Prehistoric Hammer Pin!

What are your thoughts about this week's updates? Let us know in the comments below!
On the Disney UK page, there is some information about the Hollywood Party 2013! We get a glimpse of what will be the first Hollywood Party on Club Penguin. Here is the information:
Here is what it reads:
Grab your friends and hit the red carpet at Club Penguin’s Hollywood Party! Starting on the “Penguin High 3″ set, everyone can begin their quests to become directors – and members can be superstars! The “High Speed Getaway” stage opens Feb. 16 and member action-heroes will perform crazy stunts! Then, Feb. 17, on the set of “Return of the Space Squid,” members can be alien Sci-Fi stars! For both directors and member superstars, the Awards Show begins Feb. 21 and members will have the chance to earn awards! See you on set at the Hollywood Party at
So now we know the three names of the movies! They are Penguin High 3, High Speed Getaway and Return of the Space Squid! I think the High Speed Getaway will be the best movie of all three! What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!
Polo Field has posted on the What's New Blog giving us a Sketch of what looks to be the backstage of the VIP Penthouse or a Limo! Here's what the post says:
Hey Penguins!
Lights, camera … HOLLYWOOD PARTY! Get ready to show your star power by becoming a superstar or director (or both)! The fun starts on February 14.
Here is a sketch of just one of the cool party features:
What do you think it is? Have any other questions about the party? Leave them in the comments below and we’ll answer them soon!
Until then … Waddle On!
- Club Penguin Team
Again the same thing! The mystery of the old Blue Penguin color. I don't understand, why the always show the Old Blue color when there is a Sneak Peek? Anyways, he says that we will be able to show our power by becoming a superstar or director (or both)! Can't wait for this party! What about you? Let us know in the comments below!
Update: Club Penguin have posted an official one minute preview on their SoundCloud account! Here's the track:
Club Penguin announced that they will be releasing their new track "Gotta Have a Wingman" but we all want a Sneak Peek for that too, huh! Today's your lucky day, because Trainman1405 has posted a Sneak Peek track on his Youtube Channel but it's not a video, it's just a Sneak Peek of the music! Here's the video:
Here's the lyrics (Hope I guessed them right :P:
Oh, Oh, Oh, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Oh, Oh, Oh, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah)
Here, not enough!
Gotta fill our party to show our love!
Cuz Penguins and Puffles are total bust!
And no one can come between
Show em off like we ain't see nothing yet
They may not have beat, they still have step (dubstep)
Once to right, one to the left, and bounce around to this beat....
This song will be releasing in the album "The Party Starts Now" by Club Penguin next week! But the question on my mind (and I guess on your mind too!) is 'Who singing'? I think it might be the Penguin Band and Cadence, but it's still not confirmed! Who do you think sang this? Let us know in the comments below!
Yes, that's right people. Polo Field latest post on the What's New blog shows us the Villains who will be in Card-Jitsu Snow, here is what he wrote:
Greetings Ninjas!
Last week we announced the upcoming Card-Jitsu Snow beta test. Thanks for all your comments - it's awesome to see you're as excited as we are! And now it's time for even more big news...
The team is working on NEW VILLAINS for ninjas to battle!
WHO ARE THESE GUYS?!? Leave a comment below to tell us where you think they came from...
And check back often! Over the next few weeks, we'll be sneak peeking Card-Jitsu Snow content!
Until then... Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team
For the first time ever, the villains look like villains! They look scary, nice work Club Penguin! What do you think about villains in Card-Jitsu Snow? Let us know in the comments below!
A couple of days ago, I posted a post on the blog for some Card-Jitsu Announcement! They said that we will be able to Beta-Test it! But after that, no news have come from Club Penguin. But today, Federflink has posted some Sneak Peeks of the Amulet which will be featuring the Card-Jitsu Snow, here take a look at what he wrote: (translated in English)
Hey people,

the diligent blog readers among you has not escaped that we will soon get a brand new game: Card-Jitsu Snow! The snowflake on the ninja amulet had been foreshadowed.

Long been rumors of a strange shadow. As you can see on the amulet, is there in the middle of a thick black stone. Whether the amulet represents us a sign?
What do you think it has? With the black stone on the amulet to be Justleave me to your comment in the box below.

Together we can come to the secret hope to track down ... I look forward to your comments!

Fins Winker Greetings :-)

from Club Penguin Team
I guess that the Black Stone one the Amulet will be for Shadow Ninjas! What do you think about this? Let us know in the comments below!
Chattabox has posted in the What's New blog showing us some awesome Igloo designs. And most of them are themed as Prehistoric Park! Some of them are really really good, I must admit! Here is what the post says:
Hey there Flippered Friends!
Thank you for all the amazing igloo nominations you sent in! I’ve picked a few of my favourites to share with you here:
Chockie432 said: Iceboy3818 has an awesome amusement park Iggy! There’s a rollercoaster going between lava into blue fire, a haunted house, a kingdom, candy apples and a swim pool with waterfalls and Rockhopper’s ship! Also, there is a colourful place to buy your tickets! It is amazing and so much fun! You gotta check it out!
Iceboy3818's Igloo
Knuckles8100 said: “You should check Shuttle8’s Jurassic Park. It’s really awesome. I think it looks like a Club Penguin room for the Prehistoric party!”
Shuttle8's Igloo
Macks1 said: “Great igloos!! I think you should check out my friend Sky Sky26’s igloo! It’s a really neat Theme Park! I think you guys would like it!”
Sky Sky26's Igloo
All the nominated igloos were SO much fun to visit! I had such a blast picking my favourites to share with you all! Now, I don’t know how many of you know this already, but Chinese New Year is right around the corner and to celebrate we
would love to see some Chinese New Year inspired igloos! So bring out the Dojo igloos and the Card-Jitsu mats to help us celebrate! If you know someone that has a fabulous Chinese New Year igloo, let us know their penguin name and why you think their igloo should be featured in the comments below. Stay tuned to see which igloos we pick next!
Waddle On! 
-Club Penguin Team
Told you, right? Chattabox, this time is asking us to submit Chinese New Year themed igloos! By the way, my favorite one was of Icebox3818, it really looks a Prehistoric park igloo with a Rollercoaster. Which one is your favorite? Let us know in the comments below!

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