Note: This is a sticky post (it will stay on top of this page at all times) to view all the latest news: please scroll below!

This time, not one! Not two, not three, but FOUR! Four Mascots are waddling around the island for the Hollywood Party 2013! Rather than making one post and putting all the Trackers in it, I have provided you with the links to the main Tracker page!
Aunt Arctic Tracker
DJ Cadence Tracker
Gary Tracker
Sensei Tracker
Click one of the Trackers above to view it!
We are currently transferring our domain: to a blogger site, it has everything better than this site! It might take 2 days for this to happen so please be patient! Once it happens, you will be taken to the totally new experience of Penguintoday! So stay
Agents, if you check your EPF Phone you will see that Agent Dot has sent us a new EPF Message:
February 21 -Dot - Great job, Agents - things seem to be going off without a hitch. Now let's keep up surveillance at the Awards Show. I want to see you all looking sharp.
So I guess the security at the Hollywood Party is a success! What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!
The long-awaited Awards Show is finally here! When you log into your Club Penguin and go to the Plaza and enter the Awards Show, here's what you will see:
Make sure to collect your gifts and enter the Awards Show! Here's how you win an award:
And here is the stage in which members can get awards:
Unfortunately, I am not a member so I could not provide you with the full guide, but if you are a member: WHAT DA HELL ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Collect you Award Now! What do you think of the Awards Show? Let us know in the comments below!
It's THURSDAY! And you know what that means? A New Club Penguin Times Issue!

This issue contains:
Upcoming Events

In the Featured Story, Cadence talks about the arrival of the Awards Show!
In the Support Story, Club Penguin gives us a review of all the three movie sets!
And of course, in the last we have: the Upcoming Events!
What do you think about this week's newspaper issue? Let us know in the comments below!
The Awards Show has finally arrived on Club Penguin along with a new Pin for the show! It is called "Golden Award Pin"! And if you want it, you just have to follow these steps:
Step 1: Log into your Club Penguin account.
Step 2: Open up your 'Map' and click 'Ski Hill'
Step 3: Waddle near the "Penguin Run" Sled Race 
Step 4: The Pin should look like the one in the image on your right!
Step 5: All you have to do is click on it. Then a message should appear, click 'Yes' and it will be added to your inventory! 
Congratulations, you have the Golden Award Pin!

What do you think about this New Pin? Let us know in the comments below

It's no secret that the Card-Jitsu will be releasing soon and we will be able to beta test it! But there's one question that is bothering me: What's New? The answer is: POWER CARDS! Here's what Polo Field has got to say about them:
As you know, the Card-Jitsu Snow Beta Test is coming soon! Until now, we haven't put up any details about the game - we don't want to ruin the surprise!
But we DO want you to be ready for battle. So here's a hint: you're going to want Power Cards.
In fact, Power Cards will be the ONLY cards you're using in Card-Jitsu Snow. 
How do you think the game's going to work? Leave a comment below.
Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team
AWESOME! These cards look pretty amazing! And did anyone else notice that playing board in the background? Wonder what's that! What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!
Club Penguin is going to update tonight! This will be their eighth update week in the year 2013. There will be some major and minor updates. Here they are:
Confirmed Updates:
New Pin!
#2 Awards show at the stage
#3 Newspaper Issue #383

Non-Confirmed Updates:
New EPF Message!
#2 New Mascot Backgrounds!

Before Club Penguin updates, I recommend you to do these things because they will not be on the island after the update:

1. Obtain the Shooting Star Pin!

What are your thoughts about this week's updates? Let us know in the comments below!
Card-Jitsu Snow: Name - checked, Villains - checked, Location? Here's what Polo Field has got to say about the location for the upcoming Card-Jitsu Snow:
Hey ninjas,

Alright! You know the Card-Jitsu Snow Beta Test is coming. You know Snow Ninjas will be teaming up with Fire Ninjas and Water Ninjas. And you know that together, you'll be going up against dangerous villains: Scrap, Tank, and Sly

So now the question is: where's the battle going to be?
Tell us where YOU think the Snow Dojo will be and what it'll be like!
Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team
Awesome! It is just the right location for the Card-Jitsu Snow battles! I think that it is somewhere near the Dojo or the Ski Hill because of the mountain! What do you think? Let us know in the comments below
Chinese New Year has just ended and inspired by that, Chattabox decided to select the igloos dedicated to the Chinese New Year! Here they are:
Hi there penguin buddies!
This month’s igloo nominations were truly AMAZING! I’m just glad I was able to narrow down my list of favourites to
the three wonderful Chinese New Year inspired igloos below:
Ninja53 said: "Clover7373 has an awesome Dojo igloo! It has a fire on the left, water on the right and snow in the middle! There are pillows at each so you can pretend to be Sensei of the element, but I prefer to be the fire ninja over water, or snow. Of course, I usually just visit to play card-jitsu on Clover7373’s card-jitsu mats. Waddle On!
Penny9265 said: "Check out Hiccup659’s Chinese Restaurant igloo, or P197601441’s iggy, or Season124’s pop stage. Waddle On, Penny9265.”
Hiccup659's Igloo
Polo Hunter8: "WHOA! These igloos are soooooo EPIC! And I do know a penguin (her name is Sikorka2000) that has a Chinese-like igloo. It is an igloo which looks like the Fire AND Water Dojos being COMBINED! Each of them has also a veryyy special mascot… Two of the THREE HYDRAS FROM THE MEDIEVAL PARTY OF COURSE! And like the Dojo, it is located on the Highest Mountain.”
Sikorka2000's Igloo
Looking through all the nominations from this past month, I now feel inspired to do some redecorating myself! Seeing as the Hollywood Party is now in full swing, I was thinking it’d be great to see some Hollywood themed igloos! So if you know a friend who has a Hollywood inspired igloo filled with lots of glitz and glam, let us know their penguin name and why you think their igloo should be featured in the comments below. Check back to see which igloos we choose next!
Waddle On! 
-Club Penguin Team
Cool selection, Chattabox! All of them look amazing! My favorite one was of Sikorka2000! This time Chattabox is asking us to submite Hollywood-themed Igloos! Do you have anyone's igloo in mind to recommend? Let us know in the comments below!

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