It's here guys, that's right! The Official "Gotta Have a Wingman" Music Video. It's not on the Club Penguin Youtube Channel, I don't know, why? I couldn't search it on the internet, so I got a copy of the Official Music Video from Trainman1405 (again?....Don't know how does he find this stuff?) And let me tell you, the Music Video is AWESOME! Enough talking, you can view the video below:
Told you, right! And did any of you guys noticed something strange? Of course, towards the end of the video, you can see a clear view of the Rainbow Puffle, take a look:
Woaah! I guess this is a hint from Club Penguin that the Rainbow Puffle Releasing on Club Penguin is confirmed! What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!
Its Monday, a new day! And a new featured fashion post from Daffodaily5. This time Daffodaily5 has posted about a wide variety of outfits for the Hollywood Party 2013! Here's what she wrote:
Lights… Camera… Can you guess this week’s theme yet? Welcome to the set of “Director Daffo’s Movie Star Spectacular: Part 1!” The upcoming Hollywood Party has attracted so many superstars to the Island - so, in true Hollywood style, I’m bringing this special edition of Featured Fashions in 2 parts!
Places everyone! Aaaaand action!!
Here we have Swaty7, who stars as the robot pirate  on a quest to find an internet connection for his laptop! He treks by day and camps by night… but will he ever find his wifi?
Check out Playpaws! She looks like she does epic stunts in an extreme sports movie or something! I love how her skate board matches her outfit. Thanks Zoebug1114 for nominating her.
Did someone call for an elf princess? Clubby71693 looks so epic with her tiara and furry boots; you can tell she is from a distant magical land!
Thank you Mariaglowy for nominating the fabulous Fluffy443; mega hair, mega bow, mega ruffles… you are a musical MEGASTAR!
Aaaaand CUT!
If you want to star in Part 2 of this Featured Fashions special, you will need to audition by leaving your name (or your
friend’s name) in the comments below!
Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team
Awesome! The outfit's look EPIC! Nice selection, Daffodaily5! My favorite one was of Swaty7! It look's cool! Which one was your favorite? Let us know in the comments below!
Dear Spike Hike, will you stop with those Sneak Peeks? Please don't ruin everything! I have almost seen most of the rooms without the Party arriving! But what to do, I have to post! Spike Hike on Twitter has posted the 3409583490583904580934859th Sneak Peek and I think it is of the Limo Room and you can see him doing one of the Special Emotes at the Hollywood Party! Take a look at the tweet:
And the image:
Thanks Spike Hike for this image! And I guess all the members who are superstars will have a star on their character, just like the Marvel Superhero Takeover, you understand what I mean, right? What do you think about this? Let us know in the comments below!
Chinese New Year! It's a very Special Day for the whole China! However, this year Club Penguin is also celebrating Chinese New Year! Club Penguin has just uploaded a video to their Youtube Channel giving us a chance to celebrate Chinese New Year with Sensei, here's the video:
Here are the Meet-Up times in a more detailed format:
Date: Monday, February 11th
Time: 4PM Australian Eastern Daylight Time, 4PM Greenwich Mean Time and 4PM Penguin Standard Time (Pacific Standard Time)
Server: Mountain
Room: Not specified (maybe... Dojo?)
And that's not all guys, if you watched the full video, you would have understood: We all love Item Codes, don't we? Well, Club Penguin just officially gave an Item Codes for not one but two items! It's a Dragon Costume and Feet and it can be unlocked by the code: HAPPYCNY, which probably stands for 'Happy Chinese New Year'! You can enter this code by entering the 'Unlock Codes' in the Server selection Menu! And if you wear it, it looks good, to me! What about you? Are you gonna celebrate Chinese New Year with Sensei? Let us know in the comments below!
Club Penguin has uploaded a brand-new video on their Youtube Channel, it gives us more information on the Hollywood Party and the award function, and it's hilarious! Take a look:
Awesome, am I right guys? And if you ask me, it's pretty funny! This party is gonna rock! Can't wait till next week! What about you? Let us know in the comments below!
Hey guys, as you all know Card-Jitsu Beta Testing is coming soon and we all will be a part of it! Therefore, Polo Field introduces us to one of the villains in the game, Scrap (sounds like Crap):
Hey Penguins!
Earlier this week we announced the team is working on not one, not two, but THREE new Card-Jitsu villains. Training is over. In Card-Jitsu Snow, ninjas need to proven their skills in battle!
So we thought you might like to get to know who you'll be going up against....
Check out Scrap:
This guy's a real loudmouth. He's got a mean swing. And he's totally hyped up to take down ninjas.
Some interesting facts:
  • Favorite Food: Athlete energy gels
  • Favorite Dance Move: Playing air guitar with his racquet
  • Quirk: Can do 50 push-ups in a row. And will show anyone who will watch.
  • Quote: "I'll get you! Get you so fast it'll make your head spin!"
Do you think you can defeat him? Maybe... But you can bet he'll go down swinging. AND this guy's got backup...
Stay tuned to the blog for introductions to the other new Card-Jitsu villains!
Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team
Cool! I think Polo Field introduced us to this villain because he will be the most toughest and the strongest of all! What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!
It's no secret that the new song "Gotta Have a Wingman" is available in "The Party Starts Now" Album! But about the video, we have no news or sneak peek, until now! That's right, Spike Hike on Twitter, gave away a Sneak Peek of Frankie in the "Gotta Have a Wingman" Music Video, take a look at the tweet:
And the image:
Nice Style, Frankie! Cool Muscles, and did anyone of you notice that he is wearing the new Bling Bling Necklace, one more thing: Isn't Frankie yellow? Did he get sun tan or something? What do you think about this? Let us know in the comments below!
Classified Message, just joking, hee hee! Check your EPF Phone, you will receive a message from Rookie talking about the sudden appearance of Herbert! And for the first time ever, I think he is right: 
February 7 - Rookie - Hey guys! Have you seen Herbert? Or any signs of him like fur or vegetarian stuff? It's so weird that he just totally completely disappeared... Don't you THINK?
For the first time ever! And I mean it! For the first time ever, Rookie has said something sensible and serious thing, even I am wondering how did Herbert completely disappear? What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!
The much awaited VIP Penthouse is here and can be available in the Igloo Catalog! To notify all the Penguins, Club Penguin has added a new Log-Off Screen featuring the VIP Penthouse! Take a look:
Members, throw the ultimate VIP Party!
For a limited time, check it out in the Igloo Catalog in your igloo!
Looks cool, right? Great Igloo for throwing a party! A Must-Buy Item. This is one of the biggest igloos after the Frost Bite. Are you going to buy this igloo before it's TOO LATE? Let us know in the comments below!
Club Penguin has just released their new Furniture Catalog along with the Igloo Catalog for February 2013! The Furniture Catalog is packed with items for the Hollywood Party 2013! Most of them are of the Action Movie! There are a total of three new Hidden Items in this month's catalog. Not much but at least more than the other few times! We have all the latest cheats for you in this month's catalog, because you don't wanna miss anything, right?

To find the Umbrella Table for 380 Coins

Turn to Page 1
To find the Clothes Rack for 400 Coins
Turn to Page 6
To find the Laser Lights for 145 Coins
That's all for the cheats in this catalog! Apart from this Hidden Items, I think the Catalog is pretty cool, most of the items are for the Action Movie! My favorite Item is the Basketball Court! So tell me guys, what do you think about this catalog? Let us know in the comments below!

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