Hey guys, Hollywood Party is around the corner, and as always, Club Penguin released a new Penguin Style Catalog for February 2013! It is packed with costumes for the Hollywood Party and of course the Longboards are also there. The Non-Member clothing page remains the same. But apart from the Longboards, there is one new item in this catalog, now you can choose from 4 different styles for your penguin's eyes! Club Penguin has also added some of the backgrounds for the party! And we have all the cheats for you in this catalog!

To find Black Shoulder Bag for 200 Coins

To find Classy T-Shirt for 150 Coins
Unfortunately, there were only two Hidden Items in this catalog! But I am very much impressed by the catalog! I mean look at the items in this catalog! They are superb! This is the best Clothing Catalog I have ever seen! What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!
A new Club Penguin Times has just arrived on the island and it gave me spectacular news about the party and the Mascots will be arriving during this party!

This issue contains:
Upcoming Events
The Featured Story gives us news about the Party and of course the Mascots! It clearly stats that Aunt Arctic, Sensei, Gary and of course Cadence will be arriving for this party!
And in the Support Story, Gary talks about the success of the Time Trekker!
And the last but not the least, the Upcoming Events:
Can't believe it! So many Mascots at once! What do you think about this? Let us know in the comments below!
Today is Thursday, and you know what it means? Club Penguin Update Day! Along with the regular newspaper and the Clothing catalog, Club Penguin has updated their home screen with some sneak peeks of the Hollywood Party and some new emotes which will be arriving!

This is the image of the first slide! We already have seen this image because it is also a log-off screen:
The second slide shows us the action movie, which will be on the stage on February 16th, two days after the party releases:
The third slide shows us the High School movie, it will be at the stage which will be open as soon as the party releases:
The fourth and the last slide shows us the Sci-Fi movie which will be available on February 17th:
Awesome! I get it, these are the three movies which Club Penguin was talking about, and remember the Studios, there are three of them! Each studio for one movie! And the one which was open? It will be showing the High School Movie! And the three emotes will be available, as you can see above! That explains most of it! What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!
A couple of days ago, I posted some sneak peeks by Spike Hike showing us Studio A, B and C. Today Polo Field posted on the Portuguese What's New Blog giving us some similar sneak peeks! Here is what the post says: (translated in English)
Hello, Penguins!
Polo Field here. I know there will be studios in the next party in Club Penguin. And of course, I want to share with you:
You were curious to know what's behind those doors - mainly from the locked ones? If you already have some idea, just tell ...
Keep reading the blog to learn more about the party in February. Businesmoose and I are programming a video sneak peek for you. He will appear soon. Can not wait!
  And even more ... Pinguinando!
  - Club Penguin Team
Woohooo! As it says above Businesmoose and Polo Field are programming a Sneak Peek video for you! But I think Club Penguin is giving out way too many sneak peeks of parties! What do you think about this? Let us know in the comments below!
Club Penguin is going to update tonight! This will be their fifth update week in the year 2013. There will be some minor updates. Here they are:

Confirmed Updates:
Newspaper Issue #380
#2 February 2013 Penguin Style Catalog!

Non-Confirmed Updates:
New EPF Message!

Before Club Penguin updates, I recommend you to do these things because they will not be on the island after the update:

1. Get all the items in clearance in the January 2013 Penguin Style Catalog!
2. Get all the Prehistoric Items, collect all items and enjoy the party before it is gone!
3. Get the Dino Footprint Pin and also the Hammer Pin!

What are your thoughts about this week's updates? Let us know in the comments below!
A few days ago, Club Penguin tweeted saying that stay tuned to the What's New blog for more information on Card-Jitsu Snow! And today they have a special announcement post on their blog! It also talks about Beta Testing, take a look at the announcement:
Hey Ninjas!
We know you've been waiting a long time for info about Card-Jitsu Snow. Well, today's your lucky day! We've got some EPIC NEWS...
Next month, you'll have the chance to BETA TEST Card-Jitsu Snow!!
Card-Jitsu Snow Teaser Image
For the first time since Club Penguin started in 2005, you'll have the chance to beta test a brand new multi-player game. We'd love for you to be a part of this huge event!
Stay tuned to the blog, because dates and details are COMING SOON!
Until then... 

Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team
Awesome news! For the first time ever, we will be a able to beta test the multiplayer game! I can't wait till next month to test it! What do you think about this? Let us know in the comments below!
Sorry for posting this late, I was busy updating the theme of my blog! Nevermind that, it is a new day and a new Featured Fashion post! Daffodaily5 posted on the Club Penguin What's New blog showing us some cool and funky outfits for the Prehistoric Party 2013! Take a look at what the post says:
Hiya time travellers!
Hope you’ve all enjoyed the Prehistoric Party as much as I have!  When I wasn’t running away from dinosaurs, I managed to find some epic Featured Fashions; who knew caveguins could be so fabulous! 
StevenHappy’s outfit is epic! Dino bones + a fishing rod + skis = perfectly random! Although, those night vision goggles make me wonder... Doyouthinkhesaurus? ;)
Next we have RubyPark, who looks so glamorous in this prehistoric party dress! The Diva Sunglasses finish the outfit off lava-ly!
Thanks to Blazer Boy2 for nominating his buddy Fe1834! This is the ultimate caveguin rock star oufit! You look dino-mite!
Lastly, check out the T-Rexcellent style of Nerdysk8er (nominated by Theblackout2). The hair looks ace with this animal print! Loving the necklace... Brill bones XD
That’s it from me this week guys! Sorry for the bad dino jokes, I couldn’t resist hehe! Nominate your fashionable friends and your theme suggestions in the comments below!
Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team  
Nice outfit selections Daffodaily5, all of them look good. My favorite outfits are those of StevenHappy and Fe1834! The look epic because there are random items in them! Which one is your favorite? Let us know in the comments below!
Penguintoday's Prehistoric Party 2013 Theme: Removed!
This is a quick post to inform you that the Prehistoric Party is gonna end in a couple of days! Therefore we have re-designed the website and made it normal! And also note that the Gary tracker will be removed soon because he will not be on the island anymore! Hope you had a good time and enjoyed our cheats during this party! If you have any suggestions, tips, complaints, please e-mail to [email protected] or visit the Contact Us page! The upcoming theme will be the Hollywood Party 2013 Theme, but it will take some time to update our theme! Also please note that the Slide Show which used to show all the latest posts has been removed due to some problems, it will not be there anymore, because it was not much of use, and it was very hard to update it! We are working on the new theme and it will be completed soon! Until then.... Waddle On!
We haven't received any sneak peek from Club Penguin with an image, but today when I went on to Twitter I saw Spike Hike has given us not one, not two, but three new Sneak Peeks! It is showing the Studio A, B and C. Take a look at the tweets:
And the images:
Studio A
Studio B
Studio C
Coool! I wonder what's inside these three studios! Hope we get a sneak peek for that! What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!
A couple of days ago, Club Penguin gave us a sneak peek of the cover of Penguin Style of February 2013! And today, one more sneak peek of the catalog was tweeted by Club Penguin along with an image! It say's that longboards (type of skateboards) will be arriving on the island next week in this catalog! Take a look at the tweet:
And here is the image:
Awesome, right? So I guess the catalog won't be as bad as I thought with the longboards in it! What do you think about this? Let us know in the comments below!

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