Club Penguin releases a new Field Op every week and if you are and EPF Agent you can accept these missions if you are not an Agent click here to become one

To start the Field Ops log into your Club Penguin account you will see your EPF Spy Phone shaking with a Field Ops icon on it. Click on it and visit the EPF HQ. Click on the Field Ops Screen, a message should come like this:
We've been tracking Protobot as his computer virus moves from system to system. He's tricky but not enough to escape us. We think he's moved into some of the music equipment around the island. Search for his signal, and delete him!
Click on 'ACCEPT FIELD-OP' button and then:
1. Go to the Beach
2. Then Waddle to the Lighthouse
3. Then inside the Lighthouse go near the big picture of the red puffle near the DJ Equipment.

Your EPF Phone will blink in green colour click on it to start the Field Op Game
Break the code! Scan symbols to find the right combination! Green = symbol is correct Yellow = symbol is in the wrong spot Red = symbol is wrong
When you finish the Field Op game you will recieve a message from Protobot, here's what it says:
When you click 'OK' you complete the field op mission and you will recieve a medal which you can spend towards EPF Gear!

Your New Editor
We are sorry to say but due to some internet problem. We can say that it will reopen in 8-10 days

Waddle On
Yesterday, I mean on 13th July 2012 Club Penguin released thier monthly Catalog and it has a lot of cheats. It has items for your igloo for the Ultimate Jam that starts next week
In order to find it go to your igloo click on the 'edit igloo' button and click on the Furniture Catalog and it will appear. Here are the images for the secrets

Turn to page 2
Turn to page 3
Turn to page 4
Turn to page 5
There's one more on page 5
Turn to page 6
Turn to page 8
Turn to page 10
Turn to page 12
Turn to page 15
Turn to page 16
Aren't they so many? Make sure to leave a comment and let us know did you like the items!

Waddle On
It's here the full video of "The Party Starts Now" has been uploaded to Club Penguin Youtube Account.
Not only this but also Club Penguin published a new ringtone on iTunes 1.29$, but it only lasts about 29 seconds. If you have a iPod, iPad, iPhone or iTunes you can download it.
So are you downloading it. I am not, but if it was free I would.

Waddle On
Club Penguin released a new Dubstep Puffle Pin for the month of July on 12th July 2012. Maybe it can be something related to the puffle which floats across the room every 10 minutes.
Read below on how to obtain it.

The Location:
Once you log into Club Penguin click on your Map and go to the Forest go near the Rock and click on the Ladder. Waddle to your left hand side as shown in the picture below and you will see a black puffle with headphones
The location of the Pin
How to obtain the Pin?
Its very simple you just have to walk over it and a message will appear click 'Yes' and you will have it in your inventory.

Go to Pin section in your Inventory and apply it on your Player card.
July 12th:
Note: I did not post the guide of Field Ops 89 as my internet connection was not working and it would be useless if I post it now as the Field Ops 89 is already gone!
Club Penguin releases a new Field Ops every week and if you are a EPF Agent you can accept and solve them if you are not please visit the Guides page
So Club Penguin released thier Field Ops 90 and we have got all the cheats waiting for you 

To start the Field Op go to the EPF Command Room and click on the Field Ops screen. Scan all electronics and power generators on the island for signs of Protobot computer infections. Delete any errors you find.

Then on the Screen it will show:

When the Meteor faded away last week, we believe Protobot may have tried to save himself into another computer. Check all electronics on the island for Protobot infections. Focus your search on computers.
Field-Ops 90 Location- Cave Mine
How to check all electronics?
1. Accept the Field Op in the EPF Headquarters
2. Bring up your Map
3. Click on the Mine
4. Go inside the Mine Shack
5. And then go enter the Cave Mine
6. Waddle to the spot which is shown in the image above.

How to complete the Mini-game?
If you would like to see a quick video on how to complete the Mini-game click here. (Video by InsidersNetwork)

Once you complete the Club Penguin Field Ops
Once you complete the Club Penguin Field Ops you will receive another medal which you can spend towards
EPF gear, and you will find the following message:


Congratulations, you complete the Field Ops 90 EPF Mission 
July 5th 2012:
Hey guys, I am sorry I was not posting for a while as my internet connection
had some problem, so I will start from the Penguin Style Clothing Catalog

The Catalog is full of costumes for the Ultimate Jam party which is coming up!
There is only one secret so no need to make a video I will just show you a

Have you checked through the catalog aren't they amazing? Make sure to leave a comment!

Waddle On
Ultimate Jam coming in 2 weeks! So Club Penguin decided to add a new feature they decided the Dubstep Puffle while they work on the event. If you go to the Dock, Beach or Ski Hill you will see a Dubstep Puffle floating after every 10 minutes and his theme song will start to play!
Cool feature isn't it? Make sure to leave a comment and let us know what you think!

Waddle On
Hello Penguin's,
Club Penguin released some news about what will happen in up-coming Ultimate Jam, this event will start on 19th July, this is going to be great. Club Penguin also even confirmed Shake It Up's Cece and Rockey will surely come!
Awesome right? I am so happy Rocky and CeCe will also come! What do you think? Make sure to leave a comment!

Waddle On
Great News guys Club Penguin Games Party 2012 is coming because of the London Olympics 2012 in the late July till Mid-August, if you don't believe me check out the screenshot below:
The last time it was here was in 2008 to celebrate the Beijing Olympics in 2008. With the upcoming Ultimate Jam party starting in a few weeks we can tell that the games party will start on August 2nd or 9th  2012
The Games Party 2008 started from August 22nd 2008 till August 27th 2008
There were three events happening around Club Penguin, The Marathon, Three Lap Races and The Swimming event! Anyone who completed these 3 events they were awarded a Gold Medal like the one in the picture on your right!
The Club Penguin should also get us another Gold Medal which you can also get through an unlock in Club Penguin: Game Day Video Game

Please make sure to leave a comment and tell us what you think!

Waddle On

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