Club Penguin is going to update tonight! This will be their eighth update week in the year 2013. There will be some major and minor updates. Here they are:
Confirmed Updates:
New Pin!
#2 Awards show at the stage
#3 Newspaper Issue #383

Non-Confirmed Updates:
New EPF Message!
#2 New Mascot Backgrounds!

Before Club Penguin updates, I recommend you to do these things because they will not be on the island after the update:

1. Obtain the Shooting Star Pin!

What are your thoughts about this week's updates? Let us know in the comments below!
Club Penguin is going to update tonight! This will be their seventh update week in the year 2013. There will be some major and minor updates. Here they are:
Confirmed Updates:
Newspaper Issue #382
#2 Holiday Party Arrives!
#3 Penguin High 3 Stage Opens!
#4 Mascots Arrive (Cadence, Sensei, Aunt Arctic, Gary)

Non-Confirmed Updates:
New EPF Message!
#2 New Mascot Backgrounds!

Before Club Penguin updates, I recommend you to do these things because they will not be on the island after the update:

1. Nothing this time!

What are your thoughts about this week's updates? Let us know in the comments below!
Club Penguin is going to update tonight! This will be their sixth update week in the year 2013. There will be some major and minor updates. Here they are:

Confirmed Updates:
Newspaper Issue #381
#2 February 2013 Furniture Catalog!
#3 New Pin

Non-Confirmed Updates:
New EPF Message!
#2 February 2013 Igloo Catalog!

Before Club Penguin updates, I recommend you to do these things because they will not be on the island after the update:

1. Get all the items in clearance in the January 2013 Furniture Catalog!
2. Get the Prehistoric Hammer Pin!

What are your thoughts about this week's updates? Let us know in the comments below!
Club Penguin has done some minor changes! Well actually there are three updates. First, Club Penguin has added some new log-in screens! But that's not important. The second update: Club Penguin has changed the font style and made it italic, when you log in to a saved penguin on your computer, you will see:
The third and the last update: When you open up your inventory and look through the Wigs or some Head Items you will notice that there is a penguin face instead of the regular face model:
So that's all three updates together! I like the way the Penguin face looks on wigs and Head Items! But in some cases the penguin name (if it's too long like Crazycops12345) the letters overlaps each other! I think Club Penguin should fix this! What do you think about this? Let us know in the comments below!
Club Penguin is going to update tonight! This will be their fifth update week in the year 2013. There will be some minor updates. Here they are:

Confirmed Updates:
Newspaper Issue #380
#2 February 2013 Penguin Style Catalog!

Non-Confirmed Updates:
New EPF Message!

Before Club Penguin updates, I recommend you to do these things because they will not be on the island after the update:

1. Get all the items in clearance in the January 2013 Penguin Style Catalog!
2. Get all the Prehistoric Items, collect all items and enjoy the party before it is gone!
3. Get the Dino Footprint Pin and also the Hammer Pin!

What are your thoughts about this week's updates? Let us know in the comments below!
A few days ago, Club Penguin tweeted saying that stay tuned to the What's New blog for more information on Card-Jitsu Snow! And today they have a special announcement post on their blog! It also talks about Beta Testing, take a look at the announcement:
Hey Ninjas!
We know you've been waiting a long time for info about Card-Jitsu Snow. Well, today's your lucky day! We've got some EPIC NEWS...
Next month, you'll have the chance to BETA TEST Card-Jitsu Snow!!
Card-Jitsu Snow Teaser Image
For the first time since Club Penguin started in 2005, you'll have the chance to beta test a brand new multi-player game. We'd love for you to be a part of this huge event!
Stay tuned to the blog, because dates and details are COMING SOON!
Until then... 

Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team
Awesome news! For the first time ever, we will be a able to beta test the multiplayer game! I can't wait till next month to test it! What do you think about this? Let us know in the comments below!
Penguintoday's Prehistoric Party 2013 Theme: Removed!
This is a quick post to inform you that the Prehistoric Party is gonna end in a couple of days! Therefore we have re-designed the website and made it normal! And also note that the Gary tracker will be removed soon because he will not be on the island anymore! Hope you had a good time and enjoyed our cheats during this party! If you have any suggestions, tips, complaints, please e-mail to [email protected] or visit the Contact Us page! The upcoming theme will be the Hollywood Party 2013 Theme, but it will take some time to update our theme! Also please note that the Slide Show which used to show all the latest posts has been removed due to some problems, it will not be there anymore, because it was not much of use, and it was very hard to update it! We are working on the new theme and it will be completed soon! Until then.... Waddle On!
One month ago, Club Penguin gave us some details about the Card Jitsu Snow! But after that Club Penguin did not give any more sneak peek's or information! All of us thought that Club Penguin had forgotten it! But no, today Club Penguin tweeted on their Twitter page saying more information of Card Jitsu Snow will be released next week in the What's New Blog! Here is the tweet:
I told ya! Can't wait till next week! Some people say it will be released in November 2013, but I have a feeling it will be released under 3 months! What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!
You might have noticed, when you visited our blog. The design was changed. It looks like this:
I am currently updating the design of my blog to give it a Prehistoric look! I got some suggestions from a couple of visitors that I should change my website theme because it looks very plain! So I decided to create my own theme now that I know how to use CSS Templates! So the new design will look totally awesome! It will change according to the current/upcoming party! And you might have noticed that even our footer design has changed:
The new footer includes:
#1 About this site
#2 Comment Safety
#3 Website Privacy
#4 Website Support.

Even the blog sidebar has changed! Since, today I am not going to school: it will be a one-day project! The project will be ready within a few hours! So check back soon!

UPDATE: The Penguintoday's Operation Renovation is completed and now the updated site is live!

I know that many of you are having question about the Prehistoric Party 2013! But with this post made by Polo Field, almost all your questions will be answered! Take a look at the post:
Hello Penguins!
You’ve been sending in lots of great questions about the upcoming Prehistoric Party. So today I’m answering some of the most popular ones:
When does the party start? 
January 17 – less than a week from now!
Will we really be able to transform into dinosaurs?
Yep! Get ready to fly, stomp, and roar as a Triceratops, T-Rex, and Pteranodon. This is what your player card will look like when you’re a dinosaur:
How long can we stay a dinosaur? 
Until you’re ready to transform back into a penguin… or a different dino!
Do dinosaurs have special powers? 
Yeah, they throw PUKE snowballs! I learned that the hard way:
Hope you’re digging these party sneak peeks. What else are you interested in hearing about the party? We'll try to answer more questions later this week!
 Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team
Hope that answers all your questions! And the cool part is: there won't be a limit to the time for how long you can be a dinosaur! And I am thinking that we have to buy an egg in order to become a dinosaur, as told by Gary in the Club Penguin Times #377! What do you think? Let me know in the comments below!


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    #2 Newspaper Issue #384

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