The moment you all have been waiting for! Is here, the Prehistoric Party arrives on Club Penguin, and I must say: Club Penguin has done a very good job designing it! It's totally awesome! Here is the full guide:
When you log into Club Penguin, the Prehistoric Party intro screen will appear. Click 'Dig for Eggs'
Once you click it, the Prehistoric Party will appear. This is your screen, as you can see: every single thing on your screen is different! From the chat box to the Newspaper and Mail Icons! Your main objective is to dig for eggs! These are craters which are all around the Prehistoric Island. You have to dig to find eggs in order to get rewards
Let us click one of them. A screen will appear! Click 'Yes'!
And this is your Dino Dig game! It is same as Treasure Hunt! You can play and collect eggs and coins!
And this is the screen which will track your progress. As you can see: for the non-members: if you collect 12 different types of eggs by digging, you can get a free dinosaur costume. And for the members you can click on one of the eggs and become dinosaurs!
As you probably noticed: there is no Coffee Shop or Clothes Shop in your Map! Don't worry: to go back to original Club Penguin 2013: you just have to open up your map and click 'Go There' in the top right corner of the map! Then you will reach in the modern Club Penguin island and you can explore shops!
And if you reach the modern Club Penguin and want to go back to the Prehistoric world, simply go to the Snow Forts enter the Time Trekker and waddle through the door on your right!
So that's all for the main guide! And now for the catalog. The catalog can accessed anywhere in the Prehistoric island. It consists of five total pages, with the first page for the 'ITEMS FOR EVERYONE'. Take a look at the catalog: 
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4
Page 5
So that was the Prehistoric catalog! It had so many items! And now we will see the three new emotes for the Prehistoric Party, unlike the Holiday Party, none of them are animated. But they are very very cool! Take a look:
So that's it! I have pretty much included everything what a non-member can do on Club Penguin! And don't forget Gary is visiting the island too! To find him, take a look at our Gary Tracker! So tell me guys, What do you think about this party? Let me know in the comments!

club penguin
20/1/2013 07:47:46 am

i wanna know how to ride your own dino. I see thers do it but i dont know how. Someone says everyone knows how but i dont. How do i?

20/1/2013 11:23:07 am

It's real simple! You just have to collect an egg through playing the Dino Dig Game, then you have to click the egg icon on the top left corner of your screen. There you will see all the eggs you collected! Then, click on one of the eggs you like and then click 'Transform' and you will be transformed!
Note: Member-only feature!
Thanks for asking!


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