We have a new transformation sneak-peek from Twitter and this time it is from Official Club Penguin Twitter Page! This image shows how we will look on the island when we become one of the dinosaurs (maybe, the stomping one). Here take a look:
Cool isn't it? It is so huge that we will easily spot it out in the crowd. I want to see how the other two dinosaurs will look. What do you think about this transformation? Let us know in the comments below!

Yesterday, Spike Hike posted a tweet to his Twitter account giving us a Sneak Peek of the Prehistoric Party 2013 in which Members can become dinosaurs. Take a quick look at the tweet:
And if you click on the link it will take you to the image. Take a look:
Well, well, well. Aren't you noticing that this transformation thing becoming a regular thing during the parties, I mean except for the Operation Blackout all the parties from the Halloween Party till now are having some transformation. Well, I like it. So what do you think of this transformations into dinosaurs? Let us know in the comments or also on my Twitter page! 

Guys, did you visit the Snow Forts lately? If you did then you will know that the billboard's coin counter is broken because of so many donations it cannot even show the number. On a happier note: Spike Hike posted a sneak peek of the Club Penguin Prehistoric Party taking place in January 2013. He tweeted about it! Take a look:
And you might have guessed what is this place? Well, it is the plaza! Wow, it doesn't even look like the Plaza in the Present! So, the Holiday Party 2012 is getting over :( . But wait only after a few more days the Prehistoric Party is going to start! Can't wait! So, are you looking forward to this party? Let us know in the comments!

As Club Penguin has told us many times before that there will be Arctic White color this year, and as the Holiday Party is at the end of the year we all thought that it will release during it! But for a week or so no information came about it! But yesterday I mean on December 18th 2012: Spike Hike on his Twitter account confirmed that there will be Arctic White during the Holiday Party 2012! Take a quick look at the tweet:
And not only this: some people were thinking that it will be a member-only item or you need to unlock it from the treasure book with a code! But as you can see you have the proof: Spike Hike clearly mentioned in his tweet: it will be for EVERYONE!!! I can't wait till they release it! Will you buy it? Let us know in the comments!!
Yes guys, yes, yes, yes! The wait for it is officially over because of this tiny little tweet posted by Spike Hike @Twitter. Here take a look:
This is it guys, this is not a joke. And did you notice, there are currently 427 people working on it!! So I think it will release in January or February. I can't wait for it! What do you think? Leave your thoughts in the comments below!

Yesterday Herbert posted a tweet on his Twitter page giving us a Sneak Peek of the play which will be happening on the Club Penguin Stage. The full name of the play is 'My Awesome Life - The Herbet Story. Here is the cover image of the costume catalog:
And here is the tweet which he posted:
Herbert P. Bear - Introducing the best play of the year. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll beg for mercy. 'link here'
He says You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll beg for mercy. Okay, but why will we beg for mercy? What do you think?

Today Spike Hike answered a question asked by Trainman1405. In this Tweet, Spike Hike tells how did he get the idea of his penguin name Spike Hike. Take a look at the tweet:
Main Tweet: @Trainman1405 My son picked it. We shared a Penguin in the beginning.
Oh cool, Spike Hike. S P I K E  H I K E is a very good name for a penguin. Don't you think?

Well, people you got to know that Spike Hike joined The Club Penguin Team, well now he just joined twitter and wrote his first tweet. Take a quick look at the tweet:
Hey guys, this is the real Spike Hike from CP here. Just getting setup on Twitter.
It looks like he will be posting some sneak peeks of Club Penguin. He is still setting up his Twitter account. So we have to wait till he is done with the setup. Until then

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