Dear Spike Hike, will you stop with those Sneak Peeks? Please don't ruin everything! I have almost seen most of the rooms without the Party arriving! But what to do, I have to post! Spike Hike on Twitter has posted the 3409583490583904580934859th Sneak Peek and I think it is of the Limo Room and you can see him doing one of the Special Emotes at the Hollywood Party! Take a look at the tweet:
And the image:
Thanks Spike Hike for this image! And I guess all the members who are superstars will have a star on their character, just like the Marvel Superhero Takeover, you understand what I mean, right? What do you think about this? Let us know in the comments below!
It's no secret that the new song "Gotta Have a Wingman" is available in "The Party Starts Now" Album! But about the video, we have no news or sneak peek, until now! That's right, Spike Hike on Twitter, gave away a Sneak Peek of Frankie in the "Gotta Have a Wingman" Music Video, take a look at the tweet:
And the image:
Nice Style, Frankie! Cool Muscles, and did anyone of you notice that he is wearing the new Bling Bling Necklace, one more thing: Isn't Frankie yellow? Did he get sun tan or something? What do you think about this? Let us know in the comments below!
Remember the Superhero Party in 2012? It was not that good and not that bad either, for me! But, Club Penguin has planned to bring back this party this year in 2013! This was confirmed by Polo Field yesterday when he replied to a tweet! Here is what he replied:
Ummmm, I think it's not a good idea! Because on Club Penguin there are rarely any parties which I don't like and this was one of them! Bringing it back, I don't think it will be any better than last year's. What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!
We haven't received any sneak peek from Club Penguin with an image, but today when I went on to Twitter I saw Spike Hike has given us not one, not two, but three new Sneak Peeks! It is showing the Studio A, B and C. Take a look at the tweets:
And the images:
Studio A
Studio B
Studio C
Coool! I wonder what's inside these three studios! Hope we get a sneak peek for that! What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!
A couple of days ago, Club Penguin gave us a sneak peek of the cover of Penguin Style of February 2013! And today, one more sneak peek of the catalog was tweeted by Club Penguin along with an image! It say's that longboards (type of skateboards) will be arriving on the island next week in this catalog! Take a look at the tweet:
And here is the image:
Awesome, right? So I guess the catalog won't be as bad as I thought with the longboards in it! What do you think about this? Let us know in the comments below!
One month ago, Club Penguin gave us some details about the Card Jitsu Snow! But after that Club Penguin did not give any more sneak peek's or information! All of us thought that Club Penguin had forgotten it! But no, today Club Penguin tweeted on their Twitter page saying more information of Card Jitsu Snow will be released next week in the What's New Blog! Here is the tweet:
I told ya! Can't wait till next week! Some people say it will be released in November 2013, but I have a feeling it will be released under 3 months! What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!
UPDATE: Club Penguin tweeted again by saying that their last tweet was a mistake! There will be only one Pin this week, but the current Dinosaur Footprint will be available for the next week two! So that will make it two pins at a time! Here is the tweet:

Very rarely, Club Penguin releases two pins at the same time! The last time this happened was back in Spring 2011, when the Puffle Party was on! Something similar is going to happen during this party! Club Penguin on Twitter confirmed that there will be not one, but two new pins this week! There are no pictures, it is text! It was tweeted by Club Penguin's official Twitter account! Take a look at the tweet:
Woohoo! According to the information revealed by Trainman1405, the first Pin will be the Prehistoric Hammer Pin! But we do not know what will be the second Pin! We have to wait until they release to find out! What do you think about this? Let us know in the comments below!

It's no secret that the party after the Prehistoric Party 2013! gets over will be the Hollywood Party, as confirmed by Club Penguin, we know that some of the mascots like DJ Cadence, will be arriving! But we want more Sneak Peek's, right? Well, here's one: after getting 5,600 followers on Twitter yesterday, Spike Hike as a reward, tweeted one more Sneak Peek of the party! Here is the tweet:
Coool! But I still didn't confirm that the 3 different movies will be made by Club Penguin like the Night of the Living Sled! or it will be real movies like Wreck it Ralph! What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!

Hey wait Spike Hike, what do mean by telling that was the last sneak? We have one more Sneak Peek from Club Penguin Twitter, and it shows the map and how it will look in the Prehistoric Party 2013! Here take a quick look at the tweet:
And here is the image:
Club Penguin Prehistoric Map
Well, it seems kind of okay. I mean it looks a bit dull. But we have to wait till the party to find out! What do you think about this map? Let us know in the comments!

We had so many Sneak Peeks for the Prehistoric Party 2013, that Spike Hike tweeted that this will be the last one. In the tweet, there was an image which shows us the special catalog for the Prehistoric Party 2013. Take a quick look at the tweet:
And here is the image:
Woaah! And if you look closely at the second page top left corner, you can see these are the 'ITEMS FOR EVERYONE' which means these are for non-members too! And also to remind you that this will be the final sneak peek of the Prehistoric Party 2013! Hey, don't get sad. Don't you see: only 5 more days left for the Prehistoric Party 2013! What do you think of this catalog? Let me know in the comments below!


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