A couple of days ago, I posted a post on the blog for some Card-Jitsu Announcement! They said that we will be able to Beta-Test it! But after that, no news have come from Club Penguin. But today, Federflink has posted some Sneak Peeks of the Amulet which will be featuring the Card-Jitsu Snow, here take a look at what he wrote: (translated in English)
Hey people,

the diligent blog readers among you has not escaped that we will soon get a brand new game: Card-Jitsu Snow! The snowflake on the ninja amulet had been foreshadowed.

Long been rumors of a strange shadow. As you can see on the amulet, is there in the middle of a thick black stone. Whether the amulet represents us a sign?
What do you think it has? With the black stone on the amulet to be Justleave me to your comment in the box below.

Together we can come to the secret hope to track down ... I look forward to your comments!

Fins Winker Greetings :-)

from Club Penguin Team
I guess that the Black Stone one the Amulet will be for Shadow Ninjas! What do you think about this? Let us know in the comments below!
Chattabox has posted in the What's New blog showing us some awesome Igloo designs. And most of them are themed as Prehistoric Park! Some of them are really really good, I must admit! Here is what the post says:
Hey there Flippered Friends!
Thank you for all the amazing igloo nominations you sent in! I’ve picked a few of my favourites to share with you here:
Chockie432 said: Iceboy3818 has an awesome amusement park Iggy! There’s a rollercoaster going between lava into blue fire, a haunted house, a kingdom, candy apples and a swim pool with waterfalls and Rockhopper’s ship! Also, there is a colourful place to buy your tickets! It is amazing and so much fun! You gotta check it out!
Iceboy3818's Igloo
Knuckles8100 said: “You should check Shuttle8’s Jurassic Park. It’s really awesome. I think it looks like a Club Penguin room for the Prehistoric party!”
Shuttle8's Igloo
Macks1 said: “Great igloos!! I think you should check out my friend Sky Sky26’s igloo! It’s a really neat Theme Park! I think you guys would like it!”
Sky Sky26's Igloo
All the nominated igloos were SO much fun to visit! I had such a blast picking my favourites to share with you all! Now, I don’t know how many of you know this already, but Chinese New Year is right around the corner and to celebrate we
would love to see some Chinese New Year inspired igloos! So bring out the Dojo igloos and the Card-Jitsu mats to help us celebrate! If you know someone that has a fabulous Chinese New Year igloo, let us know their penguin name and why you think their igloo should be featured in the comments below. Stay tuned to see which igloos we pick next!
Waddle On! 
-Club Penguin Team
Told you, right? Chattabox, this time is asking us to submit Chinese New Year themed igloos! By the way, my favorite one was of Icebox3818, it really looks a Prehistoric park igloo with a Rollercoaster. Which one is your favorite? Let us know in the comments below!
Federflink1 has posted a post on the German What's New Blog, giving us some times to meet him, he wants all of us to discuss about the future of the EPF. Here is what the post says: (translated in English)
Hey people,

As you already know, Herbert has destroyed the Agent Headquarters and Simple Penguin radio. Aunt Arctic wrote in the Club Penguin Times that the architects are already working on the simple penguin radio to give a new look. We also need a new place for the EPF Headquarters. Where there might be a better place than in the underground ...!

Therefore, watch out all the penguins and agents: Together, let us make an underground expedition, and then help clean up the rubble on Simple Penguin radio.
We meet at 05 February 2013 at 16:15 clock (Central European Time) on the Plaza in the server Handschuhe! Anyone can come and bring their Puffles as helpers, EPF clothes, donned helmets and shovels.

This is exciting ... I'm looking forward. See you then! Fins Winker Greetings;-)

 from Club Penguin Team
Here is the meet-up time in detail:

Date: 5th February 2013
Time: 7:15 AM - Penguin Standard Time (PST)
Server: Handschuhe
Room: Plaza

Can't wait! So I guess there will be an underground EPF HQ! Hopefully, I will be attending this one! Because 7:15 AM is 6 PM in Kuwait (Where I live). What about you? Are you attending? Let us know in the comments below!

There is a special day which is organized to provide a safer internet experience, and Club Penguin has interviewed a UK's X Factor star: Ella Henderson, if you go to the Club Penguin's English What's New Blog, you will see Daffodaily5 posted about a Safer Internet Day! Here is what the post says:

As I’m sure many of you already know, the 5th of February is Safer Internet Day! This is a special day that’s organised every year to help teach kids and parents around the world about how to stay safe online.

Seeing as safety’s our number one priority here at Club Penguin, this is an important day for us. Which is why we want to give you all a free laptop item for your penguin – just head over to the Unlock Items page and enter the code ‘STAY SAFE’. 

The theme of this year’s Safer Internet Day is Connect with Respect. To explain more about what this means for you, we interviewed UK X Factor star, Ella Henderson. Check out the video below (keep an eye out for yours truly!)
So next time you’re online, think about how you can Connect with Respect and be a good buddy to your fellow penguins! 

Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team
Thanks, Club Penguin for making this day more important! What do you think about this? Let us know in the comments below!
A couple of days ago, I posted some sneak peeks by Spike Hike showing us Studio A, B and C. Today Polo Field posted on the Portuguese What's New Blog giving us some similar sneak peeks! Here is what the post says: (translated in English)
Hello, Penguins!
Polo Field here. I know there will be studios in the next party in Club Penguin. And of course, I want to share with you:
You were curious to know what's behind those doors - mainly from the locked ones? If you already have some idea, just tell ...
Keep reading the blog to learn more about the party in February. Businesmoose and I are programming a video sneak peek for you. He will appear soon. Can not wait!
  And even more ... Pinguinando!
  - Club Penguin Team
Woohooo! As it says above Businesmoose and Polo Field are programming a Sneak Peek video for you! But I think Club Penguin is giving out way too many sneak peeks of parties! What do you think about this? Let us know in the comments below!
A few days ago, Club Penguin tweeted saying that stay tuned to the What's New blog for more information on Card-Jitsu Snow! And today they have a special announcement post on their blog! It also talks about Beta Testing, take a look at the announcement:
Hey Ninjas!
We know you've been waiting a long time for info about Card-Jitsu Snow. Well, today's your lucky day! We've got some EPIC NEWS...
Next month, you'll have the chance to BETA TEST Card-Jitsu Snow!!
Card-Jitsu Snow Teaser Image
For the first time since Club Penguin started in 2005, you'll have the chance to beta test a brand new multi-player game. We'd love for you to be a part of this huge event!
Stay tuned to the blog, because dates and details are COMING SOON!
Until then... 

Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team
Awesome news! For the first time ever, we will be a able to beta test the multiplayer game! I can't wait till next month to test it! What do you think about this? Let us know in the comments below!
Sorry for posting this late, I was busy updating the theme of my blog! Nevermind that, it is a new day and a new Featured Fashion post! Daffodaily5 posted on the Club Penguin What's New blog showing us some cool and funky outfits for the Prehistoric Party 2013! Take a look at what the post says:
Hiya time travellers!
Hope you’ve all enjoyed the Prehistoric Party as much as I have!  When I wasn’t running away from dinosaurs, I managed to find some epic Featured Fashions; who knew caveguins could be so fabulous! 
StevenHappy’s outfit is epic! Dino bones + a fishing rod + skis = perfectly random! Although, those night vision goggles make me wonder... Doyouthinkhesaurus? ;)
Next we have RubyPark, who looks so glamorous in this prehistoric party dress! The Diva Sunglasses finish the outfit off lava-ly!
Thanks to Blazer Boy2 for nominating his buddy Fe1834! This is the ultimate caveguin rock star oufit! You look dino-mite!
Lastly, check out the T-Rexcellent style of Nerdysk8er (nominated by Theblackout2). The hair looks ace with this animal print! Loving the necklace... Brill bones XD
That’s it from me this week guys! Sorry for the bad dino jokes, I couldn’t resist hehe! Nominate your fashionable friends and your theme suggestions in the comments below!
Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team  
Nice outfit selections Daffodaily5, all of them look good. My favorite outfits are those of StevenHappy and Fe1834! The look epic because there are random items in them! Which one is your favorite? Let us know in the comments below!
I should have been posting this early, but it was on the German blog and I was waiting for it to be posted on the English Blog, and here it is! Anyways, Club Penguin as always, have given us a sneak peek of the upcoming February 2013 Furniture Catalog! It was posted by Polo Field, and here is what it says:
Hello Penguins!
A new month is around the corner, which means new styles are coming! Here is a sneak peek at fashions coming in February:
What do you think? Will your penguin be rocking this fierce style?
  Waddle On!
- Club Penguin Team
Wow! Looks like we are definitely going to have some "wacky" costumes for the Hollywood Party! Can't wait! What do you think about this catalog? Let us know in the comments below!

As some of you know, Club Penguin are releasing their very own Album! But we didn't get much of a Sneak Peek! Only we know that we will get a item called 'Bling-Bling Necklace'! But today, Polo Field posted on the What's New Blog giving us more information about it! Take a look at what he wrote:
Hello Penguins!
Since Club Penguin first started, many of you have asked if we would ever release an album... I'm super stoked to say that we're finally releasing our very first CD next month!!

The album has your favorite CP songs like "The Party Starts Now", "Ghosts Just Wanna Dance", and even "Dubstep Puffle"!
Club Penguin 'The Party Starts Now!' Album Cover!
The Party Starts Now EP will be available in stores like Wal-Mart and Target in the US starting February 12! It will also be available to purchase online in other countries.  
The CD version comes with an exclusive virtual item you won't find anywhere else... the Bling-Bling Necklace! I love this item. Here's a sneak peek:
Polo Field wearing the special item 'The Bling-Bling Necklace'!
In other news... the team is working on a music video for a brand new song called "Puffle Party (Gotta Have a Wingman)". We'll post it here on the blog once it's ready. Stay tuned for more info!
Until then... Waddle On!
  -Club Penguin Team
Wow! The special item seems kinda okay! I expected it to much better, but it's still very shiny, that's cool! The Album will include the following tracks: The Party Starts Now, Anchors Aweigh, Ghosts Just Wanna Dance, Puffle Party (Gotta have a Wingman) and Dubstep Puffle! And this album will be available soon at select stores in the U.S like Wal-Mart and Target! So, are you going to buy this album when it releases? Let us know in the comments below!

It's been a while now since we had Featured Igloos post! But with the arrival of the Prehistoric Party 2013! Chattabox one of the Club Penguin What's New Blog authors has posted about the Featured Igloos - Prehistoric Party edition! Here is what she wrote:
Hey there penguin pals!
The Prehistoric Party is well under way and I have to say I was SO impressed with this month’s igloo nominations! There were so many awesome Prehistoric themed igloos to choose from, I somehow finally managed to pick three of my favourites- it wasn’t easy! Check them out below:
Reuben7862 said: “You should check out my friend, Guitar Man 9’s iggy. His iggy is a tiki’s hut built on an island filled with lava pools and native animals
Liberty1111 said: “I think you should really check out Troyella’s Tiki Playground igloo. It is so cool and really creative! Tiki penguins should really check it out. Waddle On!”
Hippykid24 said: “Awesome igloos! I was looking for something to do when I found Peace6179’s igloo. It looks REALLY good and is perfect for the prehistoric party theme
Talk about going back in time! Those igloos were truly dino-rific! Now for something a little different, we’d love to see some Theme Park inspired igloos! So get your roller coaster rolling and your popcorn popping for a chance to have your igloo appear on our next featured igloos blog. If you know a friend that has a fun-tastic Theme Park igloo, be sure to let us know their penguin name in the comments below.
Until then- Waddle On! 
-Club Penguin Team
Aren't all of them amazing? Chattabox has done a good job selecting the best igloos on the island! My favorite one is of Troyella! It sure looks like a Tiki Playground! Which one is your favorite? Let us know in the comments below!


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