It's no secret that the Card-Jitsu will be releasing soon and we will be able to beta test it! But there's one question that is bothering me: What's New? The answer is: POWER CARDS! Here's what Polo Field has got to say about them:
As you know, the Card-Jitsu Snow Beta Test is coming soon! Until now, we haven't put up any details about the game - we don't want to ruin the surprise!
But we DO want you to be ready for battle. So here's a hint: you're going to want Power Cards.
In fact, Power Cards will be the ONLY cards you're using in Card-Jitsu Snow. 
How do you think the game's going to work? Leave a comment below.
Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team
AWESOME! These cards look pretty amazing! And did anyone else notice that playing board in the background? Wonder what's that! What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!
Card-Jitsu Snow: Name - checked, Villains - checked, Location? Here's what Polo Field has got to say about the location for the upcoming Card-Jitsu Snow:
Hey ninjas,

Alright! You know the Card-Jitsu Snow Beta Test is coming. You know Snow Ninjas will be teaming up with Fire Ninjas and Water Ninjas. And you know that together, you'll be going up against dangerous villains: Scrap, Tank, and Sly

So now the question is: where's the battle going to be?
Tell us where YOU think the Snow Dojo will be and what it'll be like!
Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team
Awesome! It is just the right location for the Card-Jitsu Snow battles! I think that it is somewhere near the Dojo or the Ski Hill because of the mountain! What do you think? Let us know in the comments below
Chinese New Year has just ended and inspired by that, Chattabox decided to select the igloos dedicated to the Chinese New Year! Here they are:
Hi there penguin buddies!
This month’s igloo nominations were truly AMAZING! I’m just glad I was able to narrow down my list of favourites to
the three wonderful Chinese New Year inspired igloos below:
Ninja53 said: "Clover7373 has an awesome Dojo igloo! It has a fire on the left, water on the right and snow in the middle! There are pillows at each so you can pretend to be Sensei of the element, but I prefer to be the fire ninja over water, or snow. Of course, I usually just visit to play card-jitsu on Clover7373’s card-jitsu mats. Waddle On!
Penny9265 said: "Check out Hiccup659’s Chinese Restaurant igloo, or P197601441’s iggy, or Season124’s pop stage. Waddle On, Penny9265.”
Hiccup659's Igloo
Polo Hunter8: "WHOA! These igloos are soooooo EPIC! And I do know a penguin (her name is Sikorka2000) that has a Chinese-like igloo. It is an igloo which looks like the Fire AND Water Dojos being COMBINED! Each of them has also a veryyy special mascot… Two of the THREE HYDRAS FROM THE MEDIEVAL PARTY OF COURSE! And like the Dojo, it is located on the Highest Mountain.”
Sikorka2000's Igloo
Looking through all the nominations from this past month, I now feel inspired to do some redecorating myself! Seeing as the Hollywood Party is now in full swing, I was thinking it’d be great to see some Hollywood themed igloos! So if you know a friend who has a Hollywood inspired igloo filled with lots of glitz and glam, let us know their penguin name and why you think their igloo should be featured in the comments below. Check back to see which igloos we choose next!
Waddle On! 
-Club Penguin Team
Cool selection, Chattabox! All of them look amazing! My favorite one was of Sikorka2000! This time Chattabox is asking us to submite Hollywood-themed Igloos! Do you have anyone's igloo in mind to recommend? Let us know in the comments below!
We all know two of the three villains featuring in the Card-Jitsu Snow! Now, it's time to meet the third and the final villain: Sly! Here's what Polo Field has got to say about him:
Hey ninjas,
In the last few weeks, we introduced you to two brand new Card-Jitsu characters. You met Scrap, the mouthy athlete, and Tank, the muscly thug. Now it's time to meet the third.
Last, but not least.... here's Sly:
Click on image to make it animated!
This guy's always got his eye on the action... He's devious. He's determined. He's dangerous.
Some interesting facts:

Favorite Drink: 
Cola in a can

Favorite Food: 
Chicken wings with blue cheese dip

    Obsessively polishes his bowling ball while scheming

     "Oh yah, we'll get 'em. Ooooh Yah..."

So now you know who you're up against... how are you going to stop them?!?
Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team
Now we all know the three villains we are gonna fight against! I think Tank will be the toughest while Sly here will be the easiest! What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!
For all the people living in the U.S and those of you who don't want to buy it online, there's some good news for ya! "The Party Starts Now" Album is officially available in the U.S! Polo Field himself has posted on the What's New Blog, giving us some more information about this! Here's what he wrote:
Hi Penguins!

Guess what? It's February 12, and that means... the very first Club Penguin album is out NOW! We're so excited!
The Party Starts Now!
1. The Party Starts Now
2. Anchors Aweigh
3. Ghosts Just Wanna Dance
4. Cool In The Cold
5. Puffle Party (Gotta Have A Wingman)
6. Dubstep Puffle
The CD is available to purchase in stores like Wal-Mart and Target in the
United States. Every copy of the CD comes with an exclusive code to unlock the
Bling-Bling Necklace for your penguin! Check out the new special dance...
Click on the image to make it animated!
For other places like Canada or the UK, you can buy the album through digital download. To receive the virtual item with a digital download, follow these steps:
    1. Forward us the email receipt received from iTunes, Google Play or Amazon. Email the receipt to [email protected] and...
  1. 2. Include your Penguin Name in the email!
  2. 3. Once we have verified the purchase, you'll be sent a Code with instructions on how to get the Necklace item
    4. Enter the code on the Unlock Items page on
  3. 5. Log in and dance!

What's your favorite song on the Club Penguin album, and what do you like best about it?
Until then... Rock On!
-Club Penguin Team
Cool, right? Just as Polo Field asked, which is your favorite song in the Album? Honestly, my favorite one is "Party Starts Now" and my least favorite one is "Anchors Aweigh"! What's yours? Let us know in the comments below!
A couple of days ago, Polo Field had introduced us to one of the Card-Jitsu Snow Villains: Scrap! Today again, Polo Field has posted on the What's New Blog, showing us our next villain: Tank! Here's what he posted about him:
Hey all!
Last week you met Scrap - a tenacious fighter, with serious athletic skill and a big ego to match. 
Now introducing... Tank!
Click on image to make it animated!
This guy's all about brute force. He's a thug. A goon. But he's not the sharpest ninja in the Dojo...
Some interesting facts:
    Favorite Food: Farmer's Breakfast (eggs, sausage, bacon, hash browns, toast, pancakes, extra sausage, extra bacon)
  • Favorite Dance Move: He's doing it right now...
  • Quirk: Growls when he hears the name Sensei
  • Quote: "GRRUGH!"

Do you think you know why these guys are teaming up against ninjas? Share your ideas in the comments!
Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team
Woaah! I think he is one of those guys who have lots of strength but no brain! He reminds me of Bane! Is he the toughest but the least sharpest villain? What do you think? Let us know in the comments below! 
Its Monday, a new day! And a new featured fashion post from Daffodaily5. This time Daffodaily5 has posted about a wide variety of outfits for the Hollywood Party 2013! Here's what she wrote:
Lights… Camera… Can you guess this week’s theme yet? Welcome to the set of “Director Daffo’s Movie Star Spectacular: Part 1!” The upcoming Hollywood Party has attracted so many superstars to the Island - so, in true Hollywood style, I’m bringing this special edition of Featured Fashions in 2 parts!
Places everyone! Aaaaand action!!
Here we have Swaty7, who stars as the robot pirate  on a quest to find an internet connection for his laptop! He treks by day and camps by night… but will he ever find his wifi?
Check out Playpaws! She looks like she does epic stunts in an extreme sports movie or something! I love how her skate board matches her outfit. Thanks Zoebug1114 for nominating her.
Did someone call for an elf princess? Clubby71693 looks so epic with her tiara and furry boots; you can tell she is from a distant magical land!
Thank you Mariaglowy for nominating the fabulous Fluffy443; mega hair, mega bow, mega ruffles… you are a musical MEGASTAR!
Aaaaand CUT!
If you want to star in Part 2 of this Featured Fashions special, you will need to audition by leaving your name (or your
friend’s name) in the comments below!
Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team
Awesome! The outfit's look EPIC! Nice selection, Daffodaily5! My favorite one was of Swaty7! It look's cool! Which one was your favorite? Let us know in the comments below!
Hey guys, as you all know Card-Jitsu Beta Testing is coming soon and we all will be a part of it! Therefore, Polo Field introduces us to one of the villains in the game, Scrap (sounds like Crap):
Hey Penguins!
Earlier this week we announced the team is working on not one, not two, but THREE new Card-Jitsu villains. Training is over. In Card-Jitsu Snow, ninjas need to proven their skills in battle!
So we thought you might like to get to know who you'll be going up against....
Check out Scrap:
This guy's a real loudmouth. He's got a mean swing. And he's totally hyped up to take down ninjas.
Some interesting facts:
  • Favorite Food: Athlete energy gels
  • Favorite Dance Move: Playing air guitar with his racquet
  • Quirk: Can do 50 push-ups in a row. And will show anyone who will watch.
  • Quote: "I'll get you! Get you so fast it'll make your head spin!"
Do you think you can defeat him? Maybe... But you can bet he'll go down swinging. AND this guy's got backup...
Stay tuned to the blog for introductions to the other new Card-Jitsu villains!
Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team
Cool! I think Polo Field introduced us to this villain because he will be the most toughest and the strongest of all! What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!
Polo Field has posted on the What's New Blog giving us a Sketch of what looks to be the backstage of the VIP Penthouse or a Limo! Here's what the post says:
Hey Penguins!
Lights, camera … HOLLYWOOD PARTY! Get ready to show your star power by becoming a superstar or director (or both)! The fun starts on February 14.
Here is a sketch of just one of the cool party features:
What do you think it is? Have any other questions about the party? Leave them in the comments below and we’ll answer them soon!
Until then … Waddle On!
- Club Penguin Team
Again the same thing! The mystery of the old Blue Penguin color. I don't understand, why the always show the Old Blue color when there is a Sneak Peek? Anyways, he says that we will be able to show our power by becoming a superstar or director (or both)! Can't wait for this party! What about you? Let us know in the comments below!
Yes, that's right people. Polo Field latest post on the What's New blog shows us the Villains who will be in Card-Jitsu Snow, here is what he wrote:
Greetings Ninjas!
Last week we announced the upcoming Card-Jitsu Snow beta test. Thanks for all your comments - it's awesome to see you're as excited as we are! And now it's time for even more big news...
The team is working on NEW VILLAINS for ninjas to battle!
WHO ARE THESE GUYS?!? Leave a comment below to tell us where you think they came from...
And check back often! Over the next few weeks, we'll be sneak peeking Card-Jitsu Snow content!
Until then... Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team
For the first time ever, the villains look like villains! They look scary, nice work Club Penguin! What do you think about villains in Card-Jitsu Snow? Let us know in the comments below!

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