Oh my god! This blog is full of sneak peeks! C'mon Club Penguin, let the party start. There is new Sneak Peek by BusinesMoose on his blog! I am not really sure that this is a Sneak Peek or not! It just shows him standing in the Plaza. Here take a look at the image:
Now there are maybe 3-4 hours left for the Prehistoric Party to start! And I can't believe Club Penguin is still posting Sneak Peeks! What do you think about this? Let us know in the comments below!

Of course, it is confirmed that we will be able to become dinosaurs during the Prehistoric Party 2013! But till now, we only got a sneak peek of the first dinosaur! Ever wondered how the dinosaurs will look when all three of them are at one place, one time? Well, the Club Penguin French What's New Blog will show you that with their latest post! Here take a look at what Polo Field wrote: (translated in English)
Hi penguins!
Ready to fly, roar and crush?
Tomorrow, dinosaurs will invade Club Penguin! This is what the penguins will look like when they turn into dinos
We can not wait that connects everyone and participates in the madness of Prehistoric Day!
  In the meantime ... Good slides!
  - Club Penguin Team
EPIC! This is awesome. See how the dinosaur which is flying, looks! It says "plongeon" which means "Dive". So it is confirmed that these three new emotes will be there for the party! My favorite dinosaur the ROAR dinosaur! Which one is your favorite? Let us know in the comments!

You might have noticed, when you visited our blog. The design was changed. It looks like this:
I am currently updating the design of my blog to give it a Prehistoric look! I got some suggestions from a couple of visitors that I should change my website theme because it looks very plain! So I decided to create my own theme now that I know how to use CSS Templates! So the new design will look totally awesome! It will change according to the current/upcoming party! And you might have noticed that even our footer design has changed:
The new footer includes:
#1 About this site
#2 Comment Safety
#3 Website Privacy
#4 Website Support.

Even the blog sidebar has changed! Since, today I am not going to school: it will be a one-day project! The project will be ready within a few hours! So check back soon!

UPDATE: The Penguintoday's Operation Renovation is completed and now the updated site is live! www.penguintoday.com

Hey guys, there is some awesome good news for all the member players! During the Prehistoric Party, if you log in: you will get a furniture item called "Lava Flow" and you can get a total of 99 of those. And this is confirmed because of this new Prehistoric Party 2013 Log-Off Screen! Take a look:
Will be available for members on Jan. 17.
Grub! Get it while they're hot!
Cool, right? Can't wait for this party to start! What do you think about this furniture item? Let us know in the comments below!

Hey guys, a few hours ago I posted a Sneak Peek of the Island Map and now on Club Penguin German What's New Blog, Polo Field has posted the Part 2 of the Question & Answers asked by the players! Here, we translated the post for you:

Hello, Penguins!
Last week, I answered a few questions about Prehistoric Journey. Many other
questions have arisen and, today, I will answer them. See the
secrets revealed below:
Which famous penguin visit the island?
Gary will lead the discoveries of prehistoric Club Penguin. Get ready to dig for eggs Jurassic and interviews with penguins (penguins caveman!).
What is the Jurassic Excavation?

You will find areas of excavation and shovels throughout the island. If they're lucky, they'll find out what's in this photo:
Will have new emoticons in the party?
Absolutely! The emoticons' Year End Party was a success. Therefore, the team
decided to put three more emoticons for a limited time:
Remember, they are only available during Prehistoric Journey from 17 to 29 January! The party starts this week! Ready to find dinosaurs?
  - Club Penguin Team
Superb! That was the thing which was remaining for the Prehistoric Party 2013! The new Treasure Hunt game and new emotes! Did you look at the chat bar? It surely looks Prehistoric! What do you think about this? Let us know in the comments below!

The last Featured Fashion was on 31st December and till now we didn't have any featured fashion nor any featured. But today Daffodaily5 posted a new post on the Club Penguin What's New Blog the fashion style she chose for the Prehistoric Party 2013! Take a look at what she wrote:
With the Pre-Historic Party coming up, I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to take Featured Fashions back in time and check out some RETRO styles!
First we have Bessiema. This T-shirt from Ultimate Jam is an old favourite of mine! Paired with the blue wig I think the colour scheme is rockin’!
Dozzie4564 was nominated by Tracey456 in the last Featured Fashions, the ruffle dress from last year with handbag and matching necklace looks so brill! I want to steal her style!
Here’s Rooby Wilson with a classic Team Red outfit! My fave is the punk hair; I spotted that straightaway and I think it looks ace!
I love this outfit!  This Butterfly T-shirt from 2007 made a comeback in the latest catalogue and I must say, Kendall A423 is bringing it back with epic style! Thanks Jenny Doe for nominating her. XD
I hope you guys enjoy these fab outfits as much as I do! Let me know your fave in the comments below. Don’t forget to nominate your fashionista friends too ;)
-Club Penguin Team
Cool! All the outfits are awesome but I like Rooby Wilson's outfit! Which one is your favorite? Let us know in the comments below!

Hey wait Spike Hike, what do mean by telling that was the last sneak? We have one more Sneak Peek from Club Penguin Twitter, and it shows the map and how it will look in the Prehistoric Party 2013! Here take a quick look at the tweet:
And here is the image:
Club Penguin Prehistoric Map
Well, it seems kind of okay. I mean it looks a bit dull. But we have to wait till the party to find out! What do you think about this map? Let us know in the comments!

We had so many Sneak Peeks for the Prehistoric Party 2013, that Spike Hike tweeted that this will be the last one. In the tweet, there was an image which shows us the special catalog for the Prehistoric Party 2013. Take a quick look at the tweet:
And here is the image:
Woaah! And if you look closely at the second page top left corner, you can see these are the 'ITEMS FOR EVERYONE' which means these are for non-members too! And also to remind you that this will be the final sneak peek of the Prehistoric Party 2013! Hey, don't get sad. Don't you see: only 5 more days left for the Prehistoric Party 2013! What do you think of this catalog? Let me know in the comments below!

I know that many of you are having question about the Prehistoric Party 2013! But with this post made by Polo Field, almost all your questions will be answered! Take a look at the post:
Hello Penguins!
You’ve been sending in lots of great questions about the upcoming Prehistoric Party. So today I’m answering some of the most popular ones:
When does the party start? 
January 17 – less than a week from now!
Will we really be able to transform into dinosaurs?
Yep! Get ready to fly, stomp, and roar as a Triceratops, T-Rex, and Pteranodon. This is what your player card will look like when you’re a dinosaur:
How long can we stay a dinosaur? 
Until you’re ready to transform back into a penguin… or a different dino!
Do dinosaurs have special powers? 
Yeah, they throw PUKE snowballs! I learned that the hard way:
Hope you’re digging these party sneak peeks. What else are you interested in hearing about the party? We'll try to answer more questions later this week!
 Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team
Hope that answers all your questions! And the cool part is: there won't be a limit to the time for how long you can be a dinosaur! And I am thinking that we have to buy an egg in order to become a dinosaur, as told by Gary in the Club Penguin Times #377! What do you think? Let me know in the comments below!

Remember, during the Club Penguin Holiday Party 2012 if you transform into Frost Bite and then throw snow-balls you can freeze other penguins! Something like that is gonna happen during the Prehistoric Party 2013, except it will be very gross. If you throw snowballs it will automatically become puke balls and make them covered by partially digested food! Here Polo Field, hit by a Puke Ball: 
I still didn't confirm that this will be a members-only feature, but I think it will be for members only. Get ready for the Prehistoric Party 2013 to get smacked by Puke Balls right in the face (Gross!). What do you think about this cool new feature? Let us know in the comments below!

P.S: We have a new author: Cro76! View all authors here: www.penguintoday.com/the-team.

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