The third and the final set of the party is now open! (So fast!, how the time passes). When you log into your account, it will show the "Return of the Space Squid" Set!
If you are a member, make sure to collect the Space Squid Costume! As for the non-members, to collect the free background, you just have to follow the three steps:
Once you emote in the scenes, you can collect the free background:
That's it guys! And if you are a member, you can also collect the "Golf Cart" now that you have finished all the three sets! So, what do you think of this party so far? Let us know in the comments below!
Club Penguin Hollywood Party 2013! Stage B is now open! It is showing the "High Speed Getaway" Movie. Now when you log into your account, it will show the Stage B:
If you are a member, make sure to collect the Stuntman Costume! As for the non-members, to collect the free background, you just have to follow the three steps:
Once you shoot the scenes, you can collect the free background:
That's it guys! Stage C opens in a day or two! Which one is your favorite set till now? Let us know in the comments below!
We all know two of the three villains featuring in the Card-Jitsu Snow! Now, it's time to meet the third and the final villain: Sly! Here's what Polo Field has got to say about him:
Hey ninjas,
In the last few weeks, we introduced you to two brand new Card-Jitsu characters. You met Scrap, the mouthy athlete, and Tank, the muscly thug. Now it's time to meet the third.
Last, but not least.... here's Sly:
Click on image to make it animated!
This guy's always got his eye on the action... He's devious. He's determined. He's dangerous.
Some interesting facts:

Favorite Drink: 
Cola in a can

Favorite Food: 
Chicken wings with blue cheese dip

    Obsessively polishes his bowling ball while scheming

     "Oh yah, we'll get 'em. Ooooh Yah..."

So now you know who you're up against... how are you going to stop them?!?
Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team
Now we all know the three villains we are gonna fight against! I think Tank will be the toughest while Sly here will be the easiest! What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!
Jet Pack Guy has sent all the EPF Agents! If you open your Phone and go to the Messages Tab, you will receive the following message:
February 14 - Jet Pack Guy - Keep your eyes peeled for suspicious activity at film shoots. Security is top priority with all these VIP's mulling around.
I didn't get this message quite right! Who will attack during the film shoots? Wait a minute, is Hebert going to come back and take revenge? We already have rumors about the Operation Puffles! What do you think about this? Let us know in the comments below!
Along with the other updates today, there is a new log-off screen which features the Award Show starting on February 21st! Take a look:
Feb. 21-26!
Members can win Awards & Earn Swag!
Can't wait! I hope Club Penguin has planned some awesome things for us at this Event! What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!
The long-awaited Hollywood Party is finally here! Let's be honest people, it's an okay party! Not so good, not so bad! But I still like it! And as always, we have a guide ready for ya!
When you log into your Club Penguin Account, you will see the following screen:
For the members: you can click on the 'Become a Superstar' Tab and get the "Film Script" and non-members: you can become a director and collect the "Camera"!
Once you have collected your items, click 'GO THERE' in the Penguin High 3 Tab! You will reach the "Snow Forts, waddle into the Set A, here all penguins can collect the free background by dancing in three different areas! After you dance in the three places, make sure to collect the background!
Click 'Yes'
Here is how it looks on a penguin's Playercard
 You have earned your reward in 'Set A', as for 'Set B and C, they will be opened some days later! So make sure to come back on Feb 16th and 17th to collect your prizes!
If you go to the 'Gift Shop' and some other specified places (like the Snow Forts), you will see that it has a special catalog, click on the hanger to open it up: 
And as expected, there are no hidden items in this catalog, but there are some non-member clothing items in the first page!
Page 1
Page 2
And there is a Limo which comes often if you wait long enough at any of the main rooms like 'Snow Forts', 'The Town'
It's pretty cool from the inside, if you ask me!
Mostly all of the main rooms are decorated, in some cases if they aren't, they have a dark sky in the background! And now for the awards, if you go to the Plaza, you will see that the Awards will be starting from the 21st!
And at the last, but not the least: the three new emotes:
So that's it guys! Took me a lot of time to make this post! I have tried to include everything pretty much! But I want feedback from you guys: What do you think about this Party? Let us know in the comments below!
It's here! It's here! The Hollywood Party on Club Penguin has finally arrived! (I will be posting the guide after an hour or so, so stay tuned) And we all know that a new party means a new newspaper issue:

This issue contains:
Featured Story:  ACTORS NEEDED ON SET!
Upcoming Events

In the Featured Story, Cadence calls all of us for acting on the Penguin High 3 set at the Snow Forts!
In the Support Story, Aunt Arctic is asking us to take photos and direct the movies on the set!
And of course, the Upcoming Events!
What do you think about this week's newspaper issue? Let us know in the comments below!
Club Penguin is going to update tonight! This will be their seventh update week in the year 2013. There will be some major and minor updates. Here they are:
Confirmed Updates:
Newspaper Issue #382
#2 Holiday Party Arrives!
#3 Penguin High 3 Stage Opens!
#4 Mascots Arrive (Cadence, Sensei, Aunt Arctic, Gary)

Non-Confirmed Updates:
New EPF Message!
#2 New Mascot Backgrounds!

Before Club Penguin updates, I recommend you to do these things because they will not be on the island after the update:

1. Nothing this time!

What are your thoughts about this week's updates? Let us know in the comments below!
For all the people living in the U.S and those of you who don't want to buy it online, there's some good news for ya! "The Party Starts Now" Album is officially available in the U.S! Polo Field himself has posted on the What's New Blog, giving us some more information about this! Here's what he wrote:
Hi Penguins!

Guess what? It's February 12, and that means... the very first Club Penguin album is out NOW! We're so excited!
The Party Starts Now!
1. The Party Starts Now
2. Anchors Aweigh
3. Ghosts Just Wanna Dance
4. Cool In The Cold
5. Puffle Party (Gotta Have A Wingman)
6. Dubstep Puffle
The CD is available to purchase in stores like Wal-Mart and Target in the
United States. Every copy of the CD comes with an exclusive code to unlock the
Bling-Bling Necklace for your penguin! Check out the new special dance...
Click on the image to make it animated!
For other places like Canada or the UK, you can buy the album through digital download. To receive the virtual item with a digital download, follow these steps:
    1. Forward us the email receipt received from iTunes, Google Play or Amazon. Email the receipt to [email protected] and...
  1. 2. Include your Penguin Name in the email!
  2. 3. Once we have verified the purchase, you'll be sent a Code with instructions on how to get the Necklace item
    4. Enter the code on the Unlock Items page on
  3. 5. Log in and dance!

What's your favorite song on the Club Penguin album, and what do you like best about it?
Until then... Rock On!
-Club Penguin Team
Cool, right? Just as Polo Field asked, which is your favorite song in the Album? Honestly, my favorite one is "Party Starts Now" and my least favorite one is "Anchors Aweigh"! What's yours? Let us know in the comments below!
A couple of days ago, Polo Field had introduced us to one of the Card-Jitsu Snow Villains: Scrap! Today again, Polo Field has posted on the What's New Blog, showing us our next villain: Tank! Here's what he posted about him:
Hey all!
Last week you met Scrap - a tenacious fighter, with serious athletic skill and a big ego to match. 
Now introducing... Tank!
Click on image to make it animated!
This guy's all about brute force. He's a thug. A goon. But he's not the sharpest ninja in the Dojo...
Some interesting facts:
    Favorite Food: Farmer's Breakfast (eggs, sausage, bacon, hash browns, toast, pancakes, extra sausage, extra bacon)
  • Favorite Dance Move: He's doing it right now...
  • Quirk: Growls when he hears the name Sensei
  • Quote: "GRRUGH!"

Do you think you know why these guys are teaming up against ninjas? Share your ideas in the comments!
Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team
Woaah! I think he is one of those guys who have lots of strength but no brain! He reminds me of Bane! Is he the toughest but the least sharpest villain? What do you think? Let us know in the comments below! 

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