One month ago, Club Penguin gave us some details about the Card Jitsu Snow! But after that Club Penguin did not give any more sneak peek's or information! All of us thought that Club Penguin had forgotten it! But no, today Club Penguin tweeted on their Twitter page saying more information of Card Jitsu Snow will be released next week in the What's New Blog! Here is the tweet:
I told ya! Can't wait till next week! Some people say it will be released in November 2013, but I have a feeling it will be released under 3 months! What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!
Hi guys, today I send a e-mail to Club Penguin with some major bug issues! Never mind that! The important thing is: they gave me some exclusive Gary Meet-up times! And this blog will be the first one to publish it! You cannot find these anywhere else on the internet! The date, time and servers are as follows:
January 25
6:30pm PST - Ice Berg

January 26
6:30pm PST - White Out

January 27
4:00pm PST - Big Snow

January 28
11:30am PST - Cloudy
And I am telling you guys: this may be your last chance to meet him in this party! So do not miss this opportunity! (Note: All the time given above are in PST (Pacific Standard Time or Penguin Standard Time). Did you already met Gary or are you looking forward to meet him? Let us know in the comments below!

Lost you chances of meeting Gary? This can be your last chance to meet him before the Prehistoric Party 2013 ends! Club Penguin has posted a video on their Youtube Channel giving us some meet-up times to meet Gary! Here is the video:
The Meet-ups times in more detail, are located below:
Server: Big Foot
Time: 4 PM Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT)
4 PM Pacific Standard Time (PST)
4 PM Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
Date: Friday, January 25th 2013
Can't wait to meet him! Thanks Club Penguin for providing us with some meet-up times! Don't miss this! It may be your last chance to meet him during this party! What do you think of this video? Let us know in the comments below!

The first ever Club Penguin's Hollywood Party log-off screen was released! When you log out in Club Penguin, you will see a different Log-out screen which advertises the Hollywood Party which is the upcoming party of Club Penguin! It looks like this:
Cooool! It clearly says 'Members can be SUPERSTARS"! I think I am going to buy a membership when this party will be released! What do you think about this? Let us know in the comments below!

Every two weeks, Club Penguin releases a new pin. With the Prehistoric Party going on, Club Penguin released a Pin which is called Hammer Pin. You can get it by following these 5 simple steps:
Step 1: Log into your Club Penguin account.
Step 2: Open up your 'Map' and click 'The Dock'
Step 3: You will see the Hammer Pin 
Step 4: The Pin should look like the one in the image on your right!
Step 5: All you have to do is click on it. Then a message should appear, click 'Yes' and it will be added to your inventory! 
Congratulations, you have the Prehistoric Hammer Pin!


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I normally don't post about a new item code or coin code on this blog. But this one is important! It is one pf my favorite items on Club Penguin, and it is now available for free on Club Penguin! You just have to go to the Club Penguin home page and click "Redeem code: STAY SAFE":
Celebrate Safer Internet Day with a virtual laptop item!
Just click on the button and enter the code and you will have a free Puffle Laptop! It's also for non-members! Cool, right? What do you think about this? Let us know in the comments below!

I should have been posting this early, but it was on the German blog and I was waiting for it to be posted on the English Blog, and here it is! Anyways, Club Penguin as always, have given us a sneak peek of the upcoming February 2013 Furniture Catalog! It was posted by Polo Field, and here is what it says:
Hello Penguins!
A new month is around the corner, which means new styles are coming! Here is a sneak peek at fashions coming in February:
What do you think? Will your penguin be rocking this fierce style?
  Waddle On!
- Club Penguin Team
Wow! Looks like we are definitely going to have some "wacky" costumes for the Hollywood Party! Can't wait! What do you think about this catalog? Let us know in the comments below!

As some of you know, Club Penguin are releasing their very own Album! But we didn't get much of a Sneak Peek! Only we know that we will get a item called 'Bling-Bling Necklace'! But today, Polo Field posted on the What's New Blog giving us more information about it! Take a look at what he wrote:
Hello Penguins!
Since Club Penguin first started, many of you have asked if we would ever release an album... I'm super stoked to say that we're finally releasing our very first CD next month!!

The album has your favorite CP songs like "The Party Starts Now", "Ghosts Just Wanna Dance", and even "Dubstep Puffle"!
Club Penguin 'The Party Starts Now!' Album Cover!
The Party Starts Now EP will be available in stores like Wal-Mart and Target in the US starting February 12! It will also be available to purchase online in other countries.  
The CD version comes with an exclusive virtual item you won't find anywhere else... the Bling-Bling Necklace! I love this item. Here's a sneak peek:
Polo Field wearing the special item 'The Bling-Bling Necklace'!
In other news... the team is working on a music video for a brand new song called "Puffle Party (Gotta Have a Wingman)". We'll post it here on the blog once it's ready. Stay tuned for more info!
Until then... Waddle On!
  -Club Penguin Team
Wow! The special item seems kinda okay! I expected it to much better, but it's still very shiny, that's cool! The Album will include the following tracks: The Party Starts Now, Anchors Aweigh, Ghosts Just Wanna Dance, Puffle Party (Gotta have a Wingman) and Dubstep Puffle! And this album will be available soon at select stores in the U.S like Wal-Mart and Target! So, are you going to buy this album when it releases? Let us know in the comments below!

UPDATE: Club Penguin tweeted again by saying that their last tweet was a mistake! There will be only one Pin this week, but the current Dinosaur Footprint will be available for the next week two! So that will make it two pins at a time! Here is the tweet:

Very rarely, Club Penguin releases two pins at the same time! The last time this happened was back in Spring 2011, when the Puffle Party was on! Something similar is going to happen during this party! Club Penguin on Twitter confirmed that there will be not one, but two new pins this week! There are no pictures, it is text! It was tweeted by Club Penguin's official Twitter account! Take a look at the tweet:
Woohoo! According to the information revealed by Trainman1405, the first Pin will be the Prehistoric Hammer Pin! But we do not know what will be the second Pin! We have to wait until they release to find out! What do you think about this? Let us know in the comments below!


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