The answer to the question is...... Yes! Yes guys, Aunt Arctic is the Director. I came to know that from a video. Many people are saying that Club Penguin released the 6th and the last Chapter, and if you complete it, you will see a video pop-up like this:
This video was recorded by Monchoco. But the thing is I cannot get past the door in which we go to the Chapter 6th. But many people can! Is this a glitch? What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!

Today is another sad say for the Agents. My favourite Agent Rookie who always made us laugh with his stupidness has been captured too... by Hebert as well. Take a look:
Now only the Jet Pack Guy and the Director are left for us to depend on. Also not to mention the Chapter 4 of the Operation Blackout is released. Here it is:
Chapter 4: Completed
So what do you think guys. Will we really be able to save the island although Gary, Dot and Rookie are captured? Let us know in the comments below!

Hi guys, yes that's right Dot is captured too, along with Gary. And she is now freezing the HQ. Don't believe me? Huh? Here are the two proofs:
Proof No 1: Agent Dot photo in the 'Captured' Notice Board
Proof No 2: Agent Dot with Gary locked in a tube in the top floor
Oh know!! Agent Dot was one of our best Agents. And she is locked up! Only the Director and Rookie and the Jet Pack Guy are left now. I don't know about the Director but having Rookie left after all the people get kidnapped will not be a good sign ! But, there is only one question going on my mind. how was Agent Dot captured by Herbert so easily? After all she is the MASTER OF DISGUISE! Also to mention the Chapter 2 and 3 are also released. I am not posting them here. Since you now get the idea of how the missions are:
Chapter 2: Completed
Chapter 3: Completed
As you may have heard, on if you search for Club Penguin a new song titled 'Cool in the Cold' will appear in the search results. It is gonna release on November 27th  it's duration is 2:58 and the price is 0.99$. It is still got some days to be released but we have the Sneak Peek of the Song from ClubPenguinYourCheats.
I am amazed! Its such an awesome song! Can't wait for the English Version. What do you think about the song?

Hey guys, I have some really really bad news for you today. As expected Herbert takes over Club Penguin with Klutzy. As not expected Herbert changes everything from the daily newspaper to the Penguin Style Catalog. And if you wanna see the full guide of Chapter 1 see the post below. Here is what changed on the island.
Penguin Style Catalog Changed to Herbert Style
Penguin Faces in the Penguin Style replaced with stupid Herbert cut-out pictures.
And as expected Ruby and the Ruby replaced with My Awesome Life Stage Event!
Costume Trunk Catalog replaced with My Awesome Life - Herbert Story Catalog
Club Penguin Times replaced with Club Herbert Times.
Too Late :( We cannot save the island. But wait we still have Dot, Rookie, Director to help us. Until then

Stay Safe, Stay Tuned
Today Spike Hike answered a question asked by Trainman1405. In this Tweet, Spike Hike tells how did he get the idea of his penguin name Spike Hike. Take a look at the tweet:
Main Tweet: @Trainman1405 My son picked it. We shared a Penguin in the beginning.
Oh cool, Spike Hike. S P I K E  H I K E is a very good name for a penguin. Don't you think?

Well, people you got to know that Spike Hike joined The Club Penguin Team, well now he just joined twitter and wrote his first tweet. Take a quick look at the tweet:
Hey guys, this is the real Spike Hike from CP here. Just getting setup on Twitter.
It looks like he will be posting some sneak peeks of Club Penguin. He is still setting up his Twitter account. So we have to wait till he is done with the setup. Until then

Waddle On
Club Penguin has a new video, more like a documentary. It shows how Club Penguin was created from Penguin Chat. And how the name 'Club Penguin' was discovered. Take a look below!
There is even a description of the video:

The Club Penguin team is proud to present the first preview of "New Horizons", a documentary on the history of CP. We started working on this documentary back in June 2012, and we're excited to finally share a portion of it with you to celebrate Club Penguin's 7th anniversary.

Learn about how Experimental Penguins, Penguin Chat 2 and Penguin Chat 3 eventually evolved into
Club Penguin from both former and current team members. Special thanks to Billybob, rsnail, Screenhog, Gizmo, Happy77, and all the other people that have helped support this project.

As always, we'd love to hear what you think. If you'd like to hear about other parts of Club Penguin's history, let us know by leaving a comment on the official Club Penguin blog!

Until then... Waddle On!

-Polo Field, Businesmoose and the entire Club Penguin Team

Cool right! For those of you who didn't notice, if you play the last 10 seconds of the video, you will get to see the Sneak Peek room design. So go on, play the last 10 seconds of the video. And you will get to see the Sneak Peeks of the upcoming rooms design!
The Club Penguin Team is busy on the New Costumes. And they are giving us a chance to decide which costume is the best! Here, take a look at the blog post:

Hey there, Penguins!

The team’s been busy working on new party concepts and costumes. So I'm pretty stoked to give you guys the opportunity to decide on an upcoming costume! 

Check out the image below, and let us know which one's your favorite!
I'd also love to hear your theories about what these items are for. Leave a comment below and let us know your best guesses!
Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team

So which one is your favorite? My favorite is the 'Option 2'. Leave a comment below and let us know!

Club Penguin is turning 7 in two or one days. And to celebrate that, Club Penguin designed the Coffee Shop and decorated it. Here is the new Coffee Shop:
As you can see, the whole Coffee Shop is decorated with decors. Do you see that Party Hat with a red circle around it? It is a item which if you waddle on it you will get it for free.
Just click 'Yes' and it will be added to your inventory. Which will be in the Head Items. There is also a new yearbook near the Hat. If you click on it, you should be knowing that it is the Yearbook 2011-2012. And if you flip through the pages, you will find a list of mascots like this:
So did you like the Party Hat? And are you enjoying the 7th Anniversairy Party on Club Penguin? Leave a comment below and let us know what you think.


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