Guys, what to say? It's been a year since this website started. It's our first year of this website. And this may be our last post of the year. Wow, how fast time passes, cannot believe it's a new year and our last post. And also for Club Penguin Blog, Daffodaily5 just posted the last featured fashion post of the year and the costumes are amazing! Take a look at what she wrote:

What comes before part B? Partaaay! Seeing as this is the last 2012 edition of Featured Fashions, I’d thought I’d give it an extra special theme: PARTY! I’ve been on the lookout for penguins dressed to impress and ready to see in the New Year with some glam!

First up, we have Juliet0223 who has been nominated by Lilly6879. Her outfit reminds me of a fairy godmother… plenty of sparkle!
I came across Dara25 when I was waddling around the Island and I must say he looked super smooth! The white suit with Card Jitsu Amulet is so brill, I would never have thought of that!
Nothing says PARTY more than a Party Hat and Party Hat T-shirt combination!Thanks to Dunard for nominating Bobbhoy and their ace outfit!
Emma Kerezsi’s outfit shone like a star to me! The pretty dress and fab accessories made me want to boogie on down to the Dance Club!
Let me know what you think of these party penguins in the comments below. Don’t forget to nominate your super stylish friends too!

P.S. Happy New Year!
-Club Penguin Team
Happy New Year to you too Daffodaily5. All the costumes were awesome but I liked Dara25 style you know because it's a bit cool type! Which one is your favourite? Let us know in the comments or on @Crazycops Twitter Page!

Happy New Year!
Yesterday, Spike Hike posted a tweet to his Twitter account giving us a Sneak Peek of the Prehistoric Party 2013 in which Members can become dinosaurs. Take a quick look at the tweet:
And if you click on the link it will take you to the image. Take a look:
Well, well, well. Aren't you noticing that this transformation thing becoming a regular thing during the parties, I mean except for the Operation Blackout all the parties from the Halloween Party till now are having some transformation. Well, I like it. So what do you think of this transformations into dinosaurs? Let us know in the comments or also on my Twitter page! 

A lot of Sneak Peeks are on the way as the Club Penguin Team is constantly posting on thier What's New blog. Just earlier today I posted a sneak peek of the Treasure Hunt which will take place during the party. And now maybe a few hours later a new blog post is made by Polo Field . Here take a look at what he wrote:
Hello Penguins!

I hope you’ve been enjoying the Holiday Party so far. You guys had some great guesses on what’s coming up for January.

For those of you who guessed a dino party, you're absolutely right!
We'll be traveling back in time to visit prehistoric Club Penguin! Can't wait for you guys to check it out!

Waddle On!
 -Club Penguin Team
Let me guess is this the Dock? No, the Beach? Maybe, the Iceberg? Maybe. What do you think? Let us know in the comments below

Club Penguin did post and blog post in the German What's new blog and today Polo Field posted an english version of the sneak peek. Take a look at what he wrote:
Hello Penguins!
The team’s been working on a brand new party for January. Want to see a sneak peek? Here you go!
Stay tuned to the blog for more info in the coming weeks!
Waddle On!
 -Club Penguin Team
The title given to this image is 'Treasure_Hunt' so I guess there will be some treasure hunt during the Club Penguin Prehistoric Party 2013. What do you think? Let us know in the comments!

Agents, check out your EPF Phone. Rookie has just send us a message about what gift he got. Take a look:
December 27 - Rookie - Happy holidays everyone! I hope you're all having a blast at the party, I got a new pair of socks - best gift ever!
Congratulations, Rookie for your new pair of socks :). What do you think of this message? Let us know in the comments!!

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Polofield made a new blog post on the What's New Blog! Polofield wanted some opinions about the Holiday Party and a penguin named Julesbug323 commented on the post. Here is what Polofield wrote:
Hello Penguins!
We've seen a lot of you baking cookies, transforming, having snowball fights, and getting into the holiday spirit. When we asked what you were most excited for at the Holiday Party, here's what Julesbug323 had to say:
Coins for change! I hope everybody that has 10,000 or more coins will give it to coins for change!! I am looking forward to changing into a Frost Bite!!! Cannot wait till RockHopper comes!!
We're stoked to see so many of you donating to Coins For Change! What cause did you donate to during Coins For Change and why did you pick it?
Leave your comment below and we'll feature one in our next Reviewed By You. The featured penguin will also receive 10,000 coins!
Until then... Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team
Wow, Congratulations Julesbug323 for receiving 10,000 coins as a prize! So, the Holiday Party is ending! And we wanna ask you: how much did you donate for coins for change? Let us know in the comments!

Every two weeks, Club Penguin releases a new pin. Since, only 5 more days left for the Holiday Party. Club Penguin released a new pin called Holiday Cookies Pin. This will be the last pin in 2012.  Here is how to get it:
Step 1: Log into your Club Penguin account.
Step 2: Open up your 'Map' and click 'Plaza'
Step 3: Waddle through the manhole.
Step 4: You will reach the underground cave in the mine!
Step 5: The Pin should be there. Waddle on it. Then a message should appear, click 'Yes' and it will be added to your inventory! 
Congratulations, you have the Holiday Cookies Pin!


Guys, did you visit the Snow Forts lately? If you did then you will know that the billboard's coin counter is broken because of so many donations it cannot even show the number. On a happier note: Spike Hike posted a sneak peek of the Club Penguin Prehistoric Party taking place in January 2013. He tweeted about it! Take a look:
And you might have guessed what is this place? Well, it is the plaza! Wow, it doesn't even look like the Plaza in the Present! So, the Holiday Party 2012 is getting over :( . But wait only after a few more days the Prehistoric Party is going to start! Can't wait! So, are you looking forward to this party? Let us know in the comments!

It's here! It's here! It's here. The Special Gifts of 25th December!
Arctic White:
The first box is for Arctic White (Non-Members):
Frost Bite Palace:
The second box is for Frost Bite Palace (Members):
Wow, both the gifts are awesome! What's could be a better gift from Club Penguin? The two long-awaited items are finally here! Especially the new Arctic White color!!! So, will you be changing your penguin color? Let us know in the comments!


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